More than 50 magnets are extracted from the stomach of a boy who tried to become magnetic | the Chronicle


Rhiley Morrison She is 12 years old, lives in Prestwich, UK, and had to undergo a emergency surgery that saved his life after swallowing 54 magnets in an attempt to become a “magnetic man”.

The boy, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), ingested the magnetic beads twice. As he later recounted, he wanted to know if the metal would stick to his abdomen and see what condition he would be in when he moved his stomach, which never happened.

However, about four days after the second take, the boy became concerned when he realized he had not yet defecated the balls and told his mother that he had swallowed two. “by accident”, so he was taken to the hospital for treatment.

When his mother took him to the hospitalDoctors took an x-ray and were surprised to find 54 small magnetic toys in her stomach and intestine. As specialists feared the magnetized bullets could damage vital organs, Rhiley had to undergo emergency surgery, in surgery that lasted six hours to remove the objects.

Rhiley is already recovering at her home in Prestwich, Manchester, although the postoperative period has not been easy: He could not move for 10 days, he suffered from vomiting, he could not eat or use the toilet.

And his mother, Paige Warde, dedicated to sharing his ordeal to warn other parents of the potential dangers of these objeros: “Magnets are not toys, they should not be sold as toys. My message to other parents is to throw them out and not buy them in the first place. “

Rhiley Morrison recovery after the operation in which the magnets were removed.

“The surgeon said if Rhiley hadn’t told me that day that he had swallowed the magnets, he could have died. They could have torn the intestine and it could have ended in sepsis. Rhiley was lucky, but some kids don’t or won’tHe remarked.

The boy had ordered the magnetic toys for Christmas, then bought the magnetic balls himself, with the money he had saved. He ingested one batch on January 1 and a second on January 4. When none of the magnets passed through his digestive system completely, Rhiley woke up at 2 a.m. on January 5 and told his mother, who quickly took him to the Royal Salford Hospital, but doctors Sent him to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital by ambulance after reviewing the X-ray.

My jaw dropped, speechless, when I knew how much he had swallowed “, commented his mother. “When he did, I thought it was just him, that he was just being stupid and doing that, but the surgeon said he saw these things all the time,” added.

“I was stunned, speechless when I heard the number he had swallowed. Doctors guessed about 25 to 30 marbles on the x-ray, but after the operation they said he was 54The 30-year-old said.


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