More than 60 Ibero-American experts defend the benefits of sweeteners


Madrid, Spain

A group of more than 60 international experts publishes in the scientific journal Nutrients the first Ibero-American consensus on low calorie sweeteners or without them, which argues that their consumption is safe and Particularly beneficial for patients with diabetes .

And also for weight control programs, as well as for dental health, according to the published document, reported the Foundation for Nutritional Research (FIN).

The research was conducted with the support of 43 international organizations and foundations of food, nutrition, dietetics and medicine, as well as universities and other centers.

The main objective of this document, emphasizes one of its promoters The Spanish Lluís Serra-Majem, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health and President of FIN, has the mission to "provide useful information on the basis of scientific evidence ". to contribute to reducing the consumption of added sugars from food and beverages. "

The goal is consistent with the recommendations proposed by the public health authorities, adds Serra-Majem, He is also director of the Institute of Biomedical and Health Research of the Spanish University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Among the conclusions of this consensus, experts highlight the safety of low calorie and unsweetened sweeteners, which have been carefully reviewed and approved, and which have been approved by health regulatory agencies around the world. , like the WHO, US (FDA) or European (EFSA) authorities.

This type of sweetener is a food additive used for over 20 years. century by consumers around the world to maintain the sweet taste of food, but without adding the energy of sugars, signals the end in communication

"Recent systematic reviews and meta-badyzes have badessed and confirmed the benefits of this type of sweetener in patients with diabetes for their contribution to the improvement of glycemic control used to replace sugars, "argues the Mexican physician Hugo Laviada, of Marist University of Merida (Mexico).

In the note, Susana Socolovsky, Doctor of Chemical Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and President of the Association of Food Technologists of Argentina emphasize: "The goal is that the consumer is always properly informed and can recognize the presence of these ingredients in the food available. "

This first Ibero-American consensus contains the conclusions of a meeting held a few years ago. the year in Lisbon, organized by FIN, during which 67 experts participated in nutrition and dietetics, endocrinology, public health, physical activity and sports, pediatrics, care nursing, toxicology and food law.

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