More than 60% of Mexicans have a very close relationship with their smartphone


(Photo: Unsplash)

Are you one of those who can not sleep without your mobile phone next to you? Does it bother you that your friends take out their mobile phone when they are with you? or do you use it for the most basic? There is no doubt that the human-cellular relationship has changed over time. A few years ago, mobile phones were only used to make calls and send SMS. Now, with all the technology that is at hand, it's more common to spend hours with the smartphone. To test how Mexicans relate to their mobile phone, Motorola did an anonymous test that revealed some really interesting details about it.

Related note: Sleeping more on your rest days can lengthen your life!

The test, which you can do in this link it consists of ten questions. This was studied on the practices and preferences of 34 000 users 76% were men and 24% women. The study divided user profiles into five categories ranging from the most detached to their smartphone, to the nearest. Check what he's revealed!

40.75% have a balance

The surprise is that the level with the highest percentage was the third. This profile describes a user who begins to feel anxious when the battery reaches 10% and uses the mobile "because it is there". Has this happened to you? The good news is that this section has a good balance between your personal life and your mobile.

The 32.67% is Phone-Conscious

This type of users intelligently uses the phone. They use tools to save time and make life easier, but they value the value of relationships with others. According to the study, it is the ideal state because it is aware that there are times to use the phone and others to live without distractions.

The 20.47% are delighted by phone

This category describes the penultimate level before high interaction with the cell phone. The & quot; phonenamorados & # 39; do not turn off their phones and there are times when they go out to do one thing and end up doing another. This type of users think that they are multitasking

The lowest level, Phone-Sapiens, has reached 5.34%; while the largest, the Phone-Fanatic, accounted for only 0.76%. Regarding the findings regarding Latin users from countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, some details have been discovered: up to 15% of Latino users spend 24 hours with their mobile phone at hand . In addition, the 65% revealed that they were checking their cell phones before getting up in the morning.

If you want to know how much time you spend on your smartphone, remember that there are already several tools to do it. This is the case with Instagram, Facebook and Google. Enjoy with the mega offered by Planes Telcel !

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