More than 800 hospitalizations due to respiratory problems


July 19, 2018 – 00:00
The majority of internees come from neighborhoods in the northern part of the city. There have been 28 cases of bronchiolitis in children under two years old.

As part of the intensification of surveillance of respiratory diseases conducted by the province during the winter season, the Department of Public Health reported that so far this year, 823 hospitalizations for respiratory infections acute and severe (ARI) have been identified.

Of this total of people – including adults and children – 89% live in the provincial capital, mainly in the north, and benefit from badistance to the public maternal-infant hospital. This is what indicates María Paula Herrera, professional in the field of epidemiology and responsible for the surveillance of this type of pathology

"There have been very few cases of malaria. IRAs who entered the main hospital of the south, Pope Francisco, and the cases registered in hospitals in the interior of the province were much smaller, "added Herrera.

The last week, epidemiology also reported 28 cases of bronchiolitis in children under 2 years of age and 16 cases of obstructive bronchial syndrome in children over 3 years of age.

With regard to influenza cases, so far, only 18 cases of influenza B and 5 cases of influenza A.

It should be mentioned that respiratory diseases are more common in winter and are the leading cause of hospitalization and medical consultation. They ask to respect the vaccination schedule.

The influenza vaccine is applied once a year, two doses for children aged 6 to 24 months and a single dose for adults over 65, pregnant women, puerperiums, people at risk and staff health.

They are also asking for a pneumococcal vaccine, which should be given to babies at 2, 4 and 12 months of age. Those who do not complete this regimen of three vaccinations must do so before the age of 5 years. It should also be received by children and adults with risk factors and adults over 65 years of age.

Studies Against Deafness

As part of National Deafness Week, local health authorities will conduct phonoaudiological and acoustic otoacoustic studies on babies with loss problems auditory, in order to detect and control specific pathologies of hearing.
Those interested in this type of study will be able to visit Papa Francisco Hospital between 8am and 12pm, where geriatric patients will be treated on request and without prior transfer.
At the maternal and child hospital, care will be provided only newborns, by means of shifts requested at the reception or by the institution's toll-free number: 0800-555-7755
Discussions will also be organized and consultations will be held with specialists from the capital's health centers.

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