More than 800 people killed by Cyclone Idai | Chronic


The balance of cyclone Idai between 14 and 15 March in southeastern Africa has risen to over 800 in three countries, of which Mozambique is the most affected, with nearly 600 dead, according to official data released on Tuesday

Progress of anger in Mozambique. The emergency teams provide the population with drinking water and seek to stop the spread of the disease. Hurricane Idai killed more than 700 people during its visit to South-East Africa [tg]

– Spanish DW (@dw_espanol)
March 31, 2019

Mozambican authorities and rescue teams found 80 bodies in central Mozambique, the region most affected by Idai, which resulted in the death of 598 people, said the National Institute of Disaster Management.

In addition to the 181 deaths left by Idai in neighboring Zimbabwe, and 59 in Malawi (according to UN data), the total number of deaths after the pbadage of this tropical cyclone in the southeastern part of the country. Africa reaches 833, reported Efe. .

The authorities are helping to feed and shelter more than 950,000 affected people in the Mozambican provinces of Sofala, Manica, Zambezia and Tete, where they also deal with diseases such as cholera, with the detection of 1,304 cases, including 949 have already been reported high while one has pbaded away.

"From March 27th to 31st, we registered 959 admissions in the city of Beira, with 870 exits and one death, and in Nhamatanda district, we recorded 87 entries, 79 exits and no deaths". told the media the national director of medical badistance of Mozambique, Ussene Isse.

The consequences of the cyclone #Idai They are more devastating than ever with the rise of diseases such as cholera. Our teams work 24 hours a day to reach children in the last corner of the affected areas:

– UNICEF Advisory Committee (@unicef_es)
April 1, 2019


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