More than a hundred dead in India after ingesting a poisonous liquor


At least 104 people have died since Friday in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarajand, in the north of the country, because of the adulterated alcohol consumption, confirmed Sunday the agency IANS, quoted by the Russian press RIA Novosti.

The largest number of deaths, 54, was recorded in the city of Saharanpur, in Uttar Pradesh.

The Indian government has launched a national operation against the production and sale of illegal alcohol after the human toll of this mbadive poisoning.

All had in the blood traces of methanol, also called wood alcohol, when they were extracted from the dry distillation of tree trunks.

The victims had consumed alcohol poisoned alcohol last Thursday and all the bottles seized seemed to come from the same source. At least 30 people were arrested, including many smugglers.

"According to the people affected, a man named Pintu would have arrived with 30 bags of bottles and sold them to anyone who would have drunk or died or in the hospital," Judge AK Pandey told NDTV.

Authorities have also suspended more than 30 officials, including 10 policemen, for negligence or conspiracy to trade illegally.

According to the National Office of Crime, a thousand people die each year in India after consuming illegally manufactured alcohol.

The liquor is usually made with mediocre quality ingredients and sometimes mixed with industrial alcohol and toxic substances, the impact of which is usually camouflaged with menthol.


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