More than a month after the poll, Keiko Fujimori announced that he recognized the results


The leader of the Popular Force party and daughter of dictator Alberto Fujimori said: “I will recognize the results because it is what the law and the Constitution that I have sworn to respect. The truth will eventually come to light anyway.

Immediately afterwards, he again warned against the next government of teacher and union leader Castillo, whom he accused of being a “communist”. “We have to face a new stage which will be very difficult, because communism does not come to power to liberate it. That is why they want to impose a new Constitution on us now”, He launched.

Finally, he said that “the Peruvians will not allow Pedro Castillo and Vladimir Cerrón to transform Peru into Cuba or Venezuela”.

Pedro Castillo

Pedro Castillo maintains a constant advantage against Keiko Fujimori.

Pedro Castillo maintains a constant advantage against Keiko Fujimori.

Photo: AP

After six weeks of tense waiting, the ballot updated 100% of the minutes of the electoral body (ONPE) gives the victory to Castillo with 50.12% of the vote against 49.87% of the right-wing Keiko Fujimori, who announced on Monday who will recognize the results.

The daughter of former jailed president Alberto Fujimori has denounced an alleged “fraud” in favor of Castillo, without providing conclusive evidence, despite the fact that observers from the OAS, the United States and the European Union have asserted that the vote was straightforward.

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