More than half of Argentineans consciously use their smartphone


For a little over ten years, smartphones have changed the way we live and communicate. Nowadays, they are part of our daily life, they offer us thousands of possibilities to make our life easier. With them we communicate, we organize ourselves, we make bank transfers, we capture unforgettable moments and above all, we approach those who are far away. But what happens when we move away from the people in front of us?
Since Motorola, the brand that invented mobile phones 45 years ago, they are trying to understand how technology is currently being used. It is necessary to achieve a better balance between the use of mobile phone and personal life, through the #Phonelifebalance campaign. To identify just how much of the relationship with our phones we are, as part of this initiative, the company has created an anonymous online test with ten simple questions that allow us to understand our level of dependency.

The Argentineans and their relationship with smartphones

In Argentina participated more than 46 thousand people, of which 67.75% were men and 31.27% women. And surprisingly, 50% of participants responded that they have a good balance with their Smartphone:
Of the 5 possible profiles, the most prevalent among Argentines, with 38%, was the level 2 of the phone: they live with their phone, not in it. They smartly use the smartphone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them. They realized that the balance between mobile phone and their life is something they need and that they work to maintain it.
The other encouraging fact of Argentina is that 12% is defined as the phone-sapiens, which is the highest level. balance of the test. These are people who have achieved a good balance using their phone.
But not everything is balanced. The second largest group in Argentina, at 34.6%, was exactly in the middle of the scale: phone-enamored (level 3). These are people who feel anxious when they do not have the phone nearby, and who use it anytime just because it is there. Good manners would mark when it should be used and when not, but this group does not always stick to it. Without going further, more than 90% of Argentines say they have checked their Smartphone just to check if something had happened, but nothing had changed since the last time they had watched it.

We share the user levels that exist according to the #Phonelifebalance test, and the percentages here in the country, according to what the Argentinian users say:

Level 1. Phone-Sapiens: 12.9% Argentinian users: They hardly use their phone for basic: make calls and … well, it seems like that's all. They have never liked sending messages because they find it more convenient to make a call. They have accounts in social networks, although in reality they do not use them and do not publish. The good news is that these people do not run the risk of your phone taking control of your life. Mobile is not essential in life, but it is created to use as a tool that has the quality to make life simpler, a little more technology could make your days more productive.
Level 2. Phone-Conscious: 38.03% of Argentinian users: They live with their phone, not in it. That's why they deserve congratulations. They use the smartphone to save time that they can invest in things that really matter to them. These people know the value of relationships and how to enjoy them, they know that there are times when to use the phone and others to live them. When a person is at level 2, she realizes that the balance between the phone and life is something that needs to be taken care of and maintained. This is the exemplary state.
Level 3. Phone-Lover: 34.52% of Argentinean users: Sometimes they can not resist their phone, they use it in idle moments just because they're there. If you do not have it, they feel anxious when your cell phone has 10% remaining battery. These people are guided by their personal ways, which indicate when and where to use the phone and do not always live it. In fact, it bothers them that their friends are using the phone when they leave, although in reality they could be infected and end up doing the same thing. Your balance between the phone and life is better than many, but this ghost buzz may be trying to tell you something.
Level 4. Fanatic phone: 14.24% of Argentinean users: People who share this profile they have the risk of going down the slope until obsession. Your phone is never turned off at night next to your bed. Sometimes they feel multi-tasking when they are actually multi-distraction. According to the study conducted by Motorola in collaboration with Dr. Nancy Etcoff, specialist in mind and brain behavior, and the science of happiness at Harvard University, also a psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry Mbadachusetts General Hospital, determined that 49% of respondents check their smartphone more than they would like, and when they do so to check the weather or the time, they are surprised to do something else without know the time and the weather. Have the seconds or minutes pbaded? It is difficult to know, what we know, is that this behavior could become automatic.
Level 5. Phone-Dependent: 0.27% of Argentinean users: The highest level of the category, since they never stop using their phone, that's the first thing that they check in the morning, before they go to sleep, whenever they can in fact, they even find themselves looking at it without knowing what. they were going to do. Separate yourself from your cell phone, even for a few minutes, and you feel stressed. It's a negative reality, since the relationship with your cell phone overshadows the precious relationship you have with your family and friends. They are the kind of people who, as soon as they receive a message, feel the need to respond almost immediately, no matter what activity they do. People who share this profile can always find the balance between the phone and their life.
I found out which user category you belong to, and do the test in this link: # Phonelifebalance1


– 32% of Argentine users said that He checked his smartphone at a wedding.

– 66% of Argentines always check their smartphone before getting out of bed.

– More than 72% of Argentines say that when they go to the bathroom »

Smartphones and users in Latin America

Image result for Latin America iconIn Latin America, more than 126,000 people have pbaded the test, and in countries like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peruvian users could find out how is the relationship with their phones. One fact that attracts attention is that 54% of these Latin Americans would be willing to give up their smartphone for a month, rather than bad. Although it also means that almost half, prefer the opposite.
On the other hand, a surprising fact is that 15% of Latin American users spend the 24 hours of their day with the smartphone at their fingertips. A color datum? For 35% of attendees, it is not disgusting to accept that their smartphone is the best friend when they are in the bathroom.
65% of participants in Latin America check their phones before getting up in the morning and a big detonator of this anxiety is that their companions do it before them, since over 74% of participants also said that they would probably check their cell phone as soon as one of their friends would pick up the cell phone.

1 The Phone Life Balance online survey will be available until July 31st. Survey available at
About the Results

The Motorola Phone-Life Balance Test was conducted online between October 22, 2017 and July 6, 2018 with the participation of 125,000 smartphone users in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

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