More women, more PBI –


More developed countries apply policies to promote the integration of more women into the economy because of the moral imperative to match opportunities between men and women; also for him positive social impact have more women active in the economy; and finally, because of the strong economic growth it brings.

A well-known McKinsey study indicates that global gross product would increase by 26% (US $ 26 trillion) there was a parity in participation in the economy. This figure is equivalent to the sum of the economies of the United States and China. The Chilean Ministry of Economy conducted a study in which it estimates that for every one hundred thousand Chileans incorporated into its economy, its GDP would increase by 0.67%.

In Argentina, the pay gap is 27% and the participation gap in the economy of 24%. We have probably an important opportunity for economic growth with the incorporation into the labor force of more women with an income equivalent to that of men.

Having more women active in the economy generates a positive social impact (Shutterstock photo)
Having more women active in the economy generates a positive social impact (Shutterstock photo)

To reach this parity is not easy. Underline deeply rooted cultural and historical reasons that hinder changes in habits, behaviors and expectations. It is also expected, and this will happen, resistance from those who, in one way or another, experience this disparity as a personal benefit or fear a prejudicial change in their situation if the state the situation deteriorates and the distribution of power.

In Argentina, the pay gap is 27% and the participation gap in the economy of 24%.

In short, inducing these changes, it is promoting profound cultural changes. During the process, there will be difficulties and resistance, as in any progress that is worth it.

(*) Helena Estrada is Director of the Women's Economic Development Center, Entrepreneurs and SMEs Secretariat, Ministry of Production and Labor of the Argentine Nation.


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