Morena will approve this Tuesday in the Chamber of Deputies the controversial reform of the electricity sector of AMLO


The majority parliamentary group will vote in favor of the reform, which is why it should be approved without major complications (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The majority parliamentary group will vote in favor of the reform, so it should be approved without major complications (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Brunette, the president’s party Andrés Manuel López Obrador Yes with a majority in Congress, advancement What support the approval in the Chamber of Deputies of the controversial reform of the electricity sector promoted by the Mexican president, with whom it should be approved without major complications in plenary session on Tuesday 23 February.

Parliamentary group to vote for controversial reform “Put an end to a period of looting and the neoliberal policy that has so affected the country’s energy sector”, the coordinator of Moreno deputies, Ignacio Mier, reported on Sunday.

With this definition of the ruling party, it will be practically impossible for the opposition to stop its approval, since the party has a majority in San Lázaro And, even if your allies in the Green Party and the Social Encounter Party (PSE) vote against, you have the necessary votes and even more, since the PT (Labour Party) is also in favor of the proposal.

Last Friday, the Energy Committee approved the opinion with minor changes (Photo: courtesy of the Chamber of Deputies)
Last Friday, the Energy Commission approved the opinion with minor changes (Photo: courtesy of the Chamber of Deputies)

Mier assured that “there were many myths” surrounding the discussion of the electricity industry law reform initiative proposed by López Obrador, who explicitly seeks that the CFE (Federal Electricity Commission), productive company of the State, benefit to the detriment of private companies and clean energy companies, with regard to the distribution system for electric generators, where the parastatal company would have priority.

However, added the Morenist House leader, extensive discussion took place both in committees and in the Open Parliament, in addition to extraordinary meetings so that everyone presents their thoughts and “that no one is excluded from the debate”.

Thus, Morena responded a few hours later to López Obrador, who had called on lawmakers to approve his initiative and therefore to act “in a coherent way, thinking of people and not of companies”.

Last Friday, after more than five and a half hours of debate, with fierce opposition from the PAN (National Action Party), PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) y PRD (Party of the Democratic Revolution), the energy commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved the notice with minor changes. On Tuesday, it will be discussed and, if necessary, approved in plenary.

The reform would result in higher electricity tariffs among other serious consequences, the opposition warned (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The reform would result in higher electricity tariffs among other serious consequences, the opposition warned (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Finally, Mier enumerated 10 key points of the reform, of the supposed strengthening of the national electricity system, as well as a “level floor” for all actors in the sector. “Now the right amount will be paid, the total costs needed to generate electrical energy, ”he added.

I also advance that they are not canceled electricity auctions will not be eliminated nor a “monopoly” of the CFE will be generated., as the private sector has warned. “The permits granted by the Electric Power Utility Act will not be revoked either,” he said.

It also calmed the experts who considered that the provisions of the T-MEC (Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada) would be violated. “This does not imply a policy against private investment, because private power plants continue to participate in the wholesale electricity market», Argued Mier.

Finally, he also said that the López Obrador government “continues committed to the energy transition and the promotion of clean energies», There is therefore no favor for the production of more polluting electricity despite the evidence to the contrary, which civil organizations such as Greenpeace have warned.

The reform explicitly proposes to favor the CFE, a productive enterprise of the Mexican state (Photo: Henry Romero / Reuters)
The reform explicitly proposes to favor the CFE, a productive enterprise of the Mexican state (Photo: Henry Romero / Reuters)

However, the PAN again warned, as it had done in recent weeks, about the effects that approval of the reform would have on the electricity sector, including an increase in electricity tariffs echoed by experts and private initiative.

“This will cause a series of cascading damages that will directly affect the productive apparatus of the country, increase the costs and tariffs of electricity, loss of jobs, damage to health and the environment, as well as international and constitutional litigation», Said this Sunday Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, coordinator of the PAN in San Lázaro.

He explained that the preferential initiative sent by the President of the Republic will generate multiple setbacks, such as expensive and polluting electricity generation; increased energy costs which will be paid with higher tariffs or higher taxes; it does not attend to the best international practices of innovation and transparency.


Mexican Congressional Energy Commission approves controversial electricity reform
Chamber of Deputies plans to approve AMLO’s electricity sector reform this week with minor changes
Cofece rejected AMLO’s electricity industry reform: it could lead to higher electricity tariffs
The AMLO initiative which reforms the electricity sector will have a serious impact on the environment and health, warned NGOs

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