Moreno blames Correa | The search for goats expia …


Lenín Moreno claims that Rafael Correa and his party members, Citizen Revolution, are working alongside Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, the main instigators of social protest.
. While the protests continue
Government Minister María Paula Romo accused the governor of Pichincha, Paola Pabón, elected by the Citizen Revolution, of facilitating mobilization and setting up groups to generate chaos in the capital. Pabón said that he feared to be imprisoned as part of Moreno's political persecution.. "They are forging evidence to designate us as responsible. If not, why do not they stop us now? Said Pabón. In dialogue with Page / 12 his adviser, Irene López Alonso, denounces the fact that the government of Lenín Moreno seeks to establish the responsibility of the citizen revolution in the public opinion. "They gave the name of Pabón, Rafael Correa and the former Foreign Minister, Ricardo Patiño. They are talking about an international conspiracy orchestrated by Correaism, that we are sending strangers into the country to generate a rebellion. They use the Venezuelans as scapegoats and they managed to install it", Says López Alonso.


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