Moreno: "The formula should have been Cristina and Pichetto" | Chronic


The former secretary of the government during Kirchnerism, Guillermo Moreno, visited the program Brand Pazos on the air of HD Chronicle and supported its ideal formula would be composed of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Michelangelo Pichetto, currently serving as vice-presidents of the Front of All and Together for Change, respectively.

"The formula does not contain all the Peronism, it should have been Cristina and Pichetto. Alberto Fernandez, This is not in dispute. I will vote but not with pride ", expressed in a conversation with Nancy Pazos.

In this context, he stressed that the justicialist party did not "filled by the word" that there would be a step to settle the applications and, for this reason, he reduced his candidacy. "The methodology used to choose the candidate was not adequate", said

"I would have preferred that the president of my party José Luis Gioja I would have kept the word that it would have happened. Today, we would discuss options in a definite step Sunday and there was only one Peronism in front of the government, including Pichetto, "said the leader insisting that the Vice President of Together for Change gave him value "a lot. " "In the absence of Peronism's partner, I will use the word traitor," he said.

He also said that he understood Pichetto's decision and pointed out that "He was a better candidate than Alberto." "It was what we needed because it captured the nuances of Peronism"he said.

"Unfortunately, we are not going to eliminate the 60% that we should have won not only to win the election but to make the deep decisions that must be made to turn that into a glove. only to win the election, it's the difference between the government and the power, we had to get 60% and we will not have it, " evaluated.


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