Moria Casán confirmed his relationship with Javier Milei


Moria talked about joining her with the economist after visiting her program. From that moment, they are united more than a friendship.

Javier Milei is the economist of the moment. In addition to talking about the country's economy and being the protagonist of the controversies, how the abuse of a reporter, this striking man made strong statements. Sexual intercourse and tantric bad are other specialties. Now, Moria talked about him and what unites them and surprised everyone.

A few days ago, Milei visited the program Incorrectas, which leads Moria Casan and it seems that a relationship was born there. Unexpected attraction between the two makes this encounter will be transferred to the privacy of both. "We have a great neural connection, it could be incorporated as a" fake "that comes to the program to talk about different topics," said the One in Intruders

"For me, smart people can the neural can be transmitted to the phone on the phone He calls me every night and we have a tantric conversation, "he said Moria about the attraction that he has for the economist. "There is a great friendship. It seems that we know each other all our lives, "he concluded," how will this relationship continue? "

You may also read: Javier Milei gave a chair of Tantric bad with Moria Casán

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