Morogate splashes on Supreme Court judge | …


Vice President of the Supreme Court of Justice Luiz Fux was sprayed with "Morogate" after the Intercept Brazil portal published new conversations. The information revealed by Leandro Demori, editor of the online newspaper, illuminates the messages that the current Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, has exchanged with the prosecutor in charge of the Lava Jato case, Deltan Dallagnol. In these new conversations, Moro reportedly said that he trusted the aforementioned Supreme Court judge, with the English phrase "In Fux we trust" (I trust Fux). These messages and those that were published last Sunday date from 2016 when Moro, as trial judge responsible, led the case and was later convicted against former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Since the beginning of Morogate, the current minister has been accused of not being impartial in the process.

According to the new revelations, Judge Fux offered his support to prosecutors Dallagnol and Moro for the development of investigations in this case. Teori Zavascki, the magistrate rapporteur of Lava Jato, warned Moro of a phone call that he considered illegal.

In a part of the conversation, the prosecutor Dallagnol said: "He said that we should rely on him for what we need, again", to which Moro replied: "Excellent In Fux we trust ". With the new revelations of the supposed conversations, Judge Fux enters to be part of the scandal in which Minister Moro and some attorneys who have acted on his side are already plunged. According to The Intercept Brazil, Moro suggested to his colleagues in Lava Jato to change the order of phases of the operation and other procedures that, according to jurists, would be prohibited by law. The revelation of the messages, transmitted by Telegram and which arrived at The Intercept thanks to an anonymous "hacker" who intervened on the phones of the people involved, immediately provoked an uproar in Brazil and led Lula's defense to repeat that the former president was a victim. "political persecution" and that the trial against him was "flawed" and should be declared null and void.

In an interview with journalist Reinaldo Azevedo, the Brazilian website publisher said that the messages are true and are part of the elements that the site has obtained through an undisclosed source.

Meanwhile, Moro announced the day before that he will appear before the Senate next Wednesday to clarify the charges. The minister is also facing a request for resignation by the Brazilian Bar Association. However, he insisted on the fact that the conversations disclosed at any time do not show that he has intervened illegally in the process. A vision that he shares with the Head of State, the far right Jair Bolsonaro. The President of Brazil said yesterday in statements to the media at Plbadto Palace where he downplayed the effects of Morogate. "What Moro has done is priceless, he has really become aware and has shown the viscera of power and its promiscuity in corruption cases," said the president yesterday. In his statements, he not only blamed the exchange of messages, but also stated that, if his private conversations were to be public, he would also be criticized.

But Bolsonaro not only offered explicit support to his minister, but he also went with him. Monday, they attended together a decoration offered to Moro by the Order of the Navy. And yesterday, they went together to watch a Flamengo club match at the Mané Garrincha stadium in Brasilia.


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