Moscow accuses the United States for abandoning anti-missile treaties – Telam


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the United States of "destabilizing" the world with its release from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM). The President complained of the lack of response from other countries to Washington's decision and stressed the need for a broader platform to decide global security.

"Our American partners have simply abandoned the Ballistic Missile Treaty, (…) it was the first step towards a fundamental destabilization of the whole system of international relations in the field of global security," said Mr. Putin at a press conference with the world's leading news agencies.

"Today, the most important negotiations are taking place between Russia and the United States, the countries with the greatest nuclear capabilities, but in general, I think it is necessary to involve all the countries with nuclear weapons, both official and unofficial, "he said. Russian sputnik

In this regard, he said that if countries that are not officially recognized as nuclear powers do not participate in global security negotiations, they will continue to develop their capabilities.


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