Most Expensive Houseplant Ever Sold For Almost $ 20,000


Recently, a New Zealand bidder spent nearly $ 20,000 on a plant before bringing it home. As reported CNN, the white variety Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma It sold for around $ 19,300, making it the most expensive houseplant in the world and in history.

The “mini monstera” plant, with just 9 leaves, was listed on the New Zealand auction site in June of this year. In the final minutes of the auction, which lasted for several days, users feuillage_patch Yes lamb meridian came face to face on the rare specimen, raising the price to record levels. The battle ended with lamb meridian claiming the item for $ 27,100 NZD, or $ 19,297 USD. At the end of the auction, more than 102,000 people they saw the list and 1600 they kept it in his watch lists.

This screenshot shows the final price of the plant in New Zealand dollars.

The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma It is a rather rare plant, native to the southern thailand Yes Malaysia. It is appreciated for its divided leaves, similar to those of the family monster, which thrive in conditions tropical.

The specimen which was sold to New Zealand was particularly rare, with eight variegated leaves (meaning they contain multiple colors) and a new leaf about to unfold.

Millie Silvester, spokesperson for Swap me, said CNN he average price of a houseplant on the platform grew from 34 NZD in May 2019 at 82 NZD last month, with rare varieties at the helm.

“Indoor plants have become “trendy” article in the last yearsWe have seen the prices go up and up as more and more bidders or kiwis get into this new trend, ”he said.

“This plant has 8 leaves and 9 is about to unfold. Each leaf has a excellent variety, like the stem, and is well rooted in a 14 cm pot“Says the description of the Rhapidophora tetrasperma provided by the seller Hurley88. Variety refers to two or more different colors on the leaves of the plant.

The plant was discovered in 1893 by a British botanist named Joseph Dalton Hooker. The scientific name of the species has the following possible meaning: first, the word “Rhaphidophora”, which could refer to the oxalates found in the center of the plant which are “in the form of needle“, And on the other hand, the term” Tetrasperm “, which describes the Four-sided seeds produced by the plant in the season autumn.

In total there was 248 offers by the plant.

At the end of last year, the same supplier listed a mixed Monstera plant in Swap me that was sold for 6.551 NZD, promising NZD 1,000 of the proceeds out of charity.


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