Most neighboring countries already have a curfew and other restrictions


Argentina is one of the few countries in the region not to be subject to restrictions in the face of the second wave of Covid-19. So far, only an entry ban for foreigners has applied, as they try to agree in the main districts on nighttime restrictions or some other measure that restricts the movement of people without affecting production or people. face-to-face lessons in schools.

At the request of the Presidency, the embassies and consulates of the countries of the continent have reviewed the measures in force in each nation, in a context where there are no longer any exceptions to the seriousness of the epidemiological situation.

Chile, the country with the highest vaccination coverage percentage in South America, implemented a curfew starting Monday from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It closed its borders in April, limited travel to foreign for Chileans and foreign residents and requests to truckers entering overland a negative PCR with a maximum of 72 hours. He also implemented business closures, leaving only the essentials (food, medicine, toiletries and personal hygiene) outside. For 15 days, the sale of clothes and shoes was banned. And only workers or providers of essential activities who cannot telecommute have an individual travel permit. Outdoor physical activity is only allowed from 6 to 9. And a maximum capacity of 5 people has been foreseen for religious services.

Chile has the highest immunization coverage in the region, but has had to close again. (AP)

In Brazil The last restrictive measures ordered by the federal government have expired, but very important cities like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia have decreed night curfews, banning events and closing businesses.

Rio de Janeiro has extended the social isolation measures decreed in March: night curfew from April 23 to 5 until April 19, until April 10, non-essential commerce, bars, restaurants, cinemas, museums and theaters will not work, then they will do so with hourly restrictions. The beaches will be closed until April 19.

In São Paulo, the state government extended the quarantine in the state’s 645 municipalities until April 11. There is a nighttime curfew and schools with suspended activities. industrial and agricultural activities.

Shopping centers and galleries, as well as gymnasiums, are closed. The government recommends the suspension of ceremonies, celebrations or masses, but temples and churches will not be closed.

Brasilia maintains a curfew between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., the suspension of commerce and non-essential services and a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages from 8 p.m.

Some Brazilian states have closed beaches to avoid overcrowding. (AP)

The president of The pigeonsa, Iván Duque, announced restrictive measures from April 5 to 19. The measurements are linked to the level of occupancy of beds in intensive care units (ICU) and the number of people infected. A night curfew has been introduced in all municipalities with an ITU occupancy rate greater than 50%. Hours vary by city. The most complicated will have this measurement between 10 and 5 hours.

At the same time, the ban on public events involving large numbers of people, the closure of dance halls, parties and meetings in general, has been ordered. And the sale of alcoholic drinks at night.

And a regulation has been established for the use of public places generating agglomeration, such as beaches, walks and squares.

In Colombia, strong limitations on mobility have been established. (AP)

Ecuador It has been in an exceptional state and has been under a curfew since April 2 for 30 days, from 8 p.m. to 5 p.m. Face-to-face classes and face-to-face working hours in the public sector have been suspended.

Religious congregation events are prohibited and the use of public transport is only permitted with special permits.

Ecuador had a curfew and traffic restrictions. (AP)

Uruguay Tuesday became the country with the highest number of cases per million population in the world. 837 cases have been recorded per million inhabitants. He has been under restrictions for several weeks. President Luis Lacalle Pou announced on March 23 measures that will come into force until April 12, including the suspension of face-to-face classes at all levels of education, which are gradually being resumed, in a limited manner. Lacalle Pou also ordered the closure of state offices with the exception of essential services, the cancellation of public shows, the closure of gymnasiums, the capacity of inter-departmental buses, the compulsory closure of bars at midnight, the closure of free border shopping and a ban on social events and parties. Intervention of the Ministry of the Interior in the suspension of meetings.

The president of Paraguay Mario Abdo Benítez has ordered a traffic restriction between 0 and 5, all this week. Gastronomic establishments must work by prior reservation and with a maximum of four people per table. Provides safe feedback to educational institutions for class development in virtual or hybrid modality. It enabled social events for up to 100 people from 5 p.m. to 11.59 p.m., at tables that could seat up to six people.

Meetings in private residences should be organized with a maximum of 12 people. Outdoor physical activity is permitted in groups of up to four people. Sports competitions (tournaments) are not authorized in any of its terms.

For group lessons in academies, gymnasiums, sports centers and other closed spaces, a distance of four meters between people must be guaranteed.

Cultural activities have a maximum capacity of seventy-five people seated, with the compulsory use of masks.

Peru took restrictive measures during Holy Week. No new measures have been announced and it has been confirmed that the presidential elections will take place normally on April 11.

Between April 1 and April 4, the measures were: compulsory social immobilization, the suspension of national interprovincial transport by land and air, the ban on the use of private cars throughout the country and the restriction of departures only to buy essential items, on foot or by bike, within the radius of the house.

Restaurants only in delivery mode from 4 to 23.

The president of Bolivia, Luis Alberto Arce Catacora, decreed the temporary closure of the border points with Brazil. At the same time, he decided to prioritize vaccination at the borders, starting with the border posts with Brazil.

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