Mother gave birth to "little sumo wrestler" | Chronic


An Australian woman had to move two weeks because of the large size of her baby and gave birth to a little girl of about six kilos. "She is a little sumo wrestler"said the mother when she saw the child.

Emma and Daniel Millar, the parents, have welcomed him to Rémi Frances Millar at Wollongong Hospital, located in southern Sydney. The doctors had to perform an emergency caesarean section for the pregnant woman when she noticed that the baby had developed a huge size.

"While the average weight of a newborn baby is 3.3, Remi arrived in the world with 5.8 kg at the age of 38 weeks and 2 days. emergency had to be performed although the baby is not yet fully developed ", Health professionals explained.

"Although we knew that the couple would give birth to a larger than average baby because of the gestational diabetes of the mother, we never imagined that it would carry that much." It was a big surprise.they added.

Meanwhile, the mother said that she had fallen in love with her granddaughter just when he saw her and said: "She is my little sumo wrestler." In addition, he recounted: "When I walk with her, people ask me how big she is, they're shocked, they do not believe me as a newborn."

According to the show, the baby, who is in perfect health, is the third child of the couple. "We already have experience with big babies, our second daughter was born with 5.5 kg, a little less than her younger sister", The parents concluded.

Parents with their three children.

The newborn weighed nearly 6 kilograms.


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