mothers can travel with their children


The scholarships will cover the cost of tickets, accommodation, fees, medical insurance, IELTS English course and daily expenses for up to 15 months for master’s degrees at eight universities: Imperial College London, Durham University, Wolverhampton University, Bristol University, York University and Cranfield University, England; Bangor University, Wales and Robert Gordon, Scotland.

In addition to an initial English course to manage the language at an academic level, some of the courses available are on climate change, renewable energy development, environmental engineering, nanotechnology, public health and the promotion of human health. health, psychology, biotechnology, cybersecurity or artificial intelligence. In total, there are 45 options.

The UK government launched the program through the British Council, its international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities, and Just over 100 Masters scholarships in STEM are expected to be awarded to applicants from Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Jamaica and Cuba.

There are 19 universities in the program, but only eight accept students from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The appeal presented on February 11, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, is for women graduates in careers related to available courses. There is no age limit for applicants and not all institutions require work experience in the chosen field., the call is therefore a flexible option.

Another special feature of the program is that women with minor children will be able to apply and if selected they will have the opportunity to travel with them. In this case, the monthly amount granted to cover family expenses would be increased, although the question of school vacations is a question to be asked in every house of studies.

The requirements for applying for each Masters vary from university to university, so the British Council recommended exploring the options on their website to select an institution and then contacting them for information on how to apply. and with what documentation.

Each application process It should be launched directly with the university specifying that it will be carried out as part of the British Council scholarships for women in STEM. Each institution will then inform what the requirements are and whether there is a cost for processing the request.

The Most scholarship calls end in mid-March, but this date may vary by university. One thing is certain: by the week of May 10, the more than 100 scholarships for the 2021/2022 school year should already be awarded.

The scholarship program presented this Thursday was designed to attract professional women to STEM fields, taking into account that they often find more obstacles to further their academic development. This is why most universities will ask for some sort of proof that the applicant cannot afford to pay for her studies in the UK.

This detail excludes from the program women who have resided in the UK in the recent past, whether for work or study, and also completely bypasses those who work in the service of the UK government or the British Council, to name but a few examples. .

As part of the commitment to the program, applicants are to stay up to 15 months in the UK and then return to their home country in the spirit of inspiring other professionals to experience in British universities.

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