Mounted to 24 dead following derailment of a train in Turkey (Deputy Prime Minister)


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Twenty-four people died in the derailment of a train in northwestern Turkey this weekend, according to a new balance sheet announced Monday by Deputy Prime Minister Recep Akdag

Research operations among the debris of the train, which derailed Sunday afternoon in the Tekirdag region, en route to Istanbul, has concluded Monday morning, according to the official Anadolu news agency, citing Akdag.

The 362-pbadenger train came from Kapikule to the Bulgarian border and was traveling to Istanbul from their vehicles derailed near the village of Sarilar.

Turkish media reported that 338 people were taken to hospital after the accident, of which 124 were hospitalized on Monday morning. For example, the Minister of Health, Ahmet Demircan

The train derailed after the ground collapsed under the rails due to heavy rains that have fallen in recent days, according to media reports.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who begins a new five-year term with increased powers on Monday, expressed his condolences to the victims, said Anadolu. and announced that an investigation would be conducted on "this tragic accident".

In recent years, several fatal accidents have occurred on the Turkish rail network.

In January 2008, nine people died in a derailment caused by faulty rails. in the Kutaha region, south of Istanbul

In July 2004, 41 people were killed and 80 others injured in the derailment of a high-speed train in the province of. Sakarya, in the north-west of the country

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