Moyano: If this CGT had been under dictatorship, we would still be with the army


April 9, 2019
– 11:04

The union leader criticized the pbadivity of the current leaders of the trade union center, saying that "does not represent the worker". In addition, he stated that he did not like the candidacy of Roberto Lavagna

During the first days of April it became known that poverty in Argentina rises above 30%, while unemployment is close to double digits. Faced with this situation, several guilds are invited to CGTwho has more initiative to oppose the government but Hugo Moyano He doubled the bet and said: "If this CGT had been under dictatorship, we would still be with the army."

The reference of the truckers referred to the pbadivity of the leaders and added that the workers' center "does not represent the worker". Last week, in central Buenos Aires, CTA and part of the CGT organized a march during which the bases demanded, once again, to set the date for a general strike.


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Beyond this situation with the trade union centers, in the speech that Moyano had with the Crónica Anunciada program, he also declared that he was not "convinced" by the candidacy of Roberto Lavagna and has recalled: "It was not easy to argue with him, he was more stingy when We discussed the minimum wage."

Finally, he again winked at Cristina Kirchner saying that "until now, it was one that showed the ability to handle in difficult times". And, furthermore, he added: "The one who works the most for the unity of Peronism is the government".


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