Moyano: Macri is unforgivable. people decided not to forgive them when they voted in the STEP


To integrate

Moyano said that the difference in votes between Alberto Fernández and Mauricio Macri did not surprise him: "Many people have said to me:" I was wrong and I am not mistaken anymore. "I was convinced that I was losing a lot and in October I will lose for more".

"People live badly, endure extreme needs, lowly people, low-wage workers, retired people, and it's not fair a country where they boast of having to feed 400 million people, for me it's unforgivable, and people decided not to forgive them when they voted on the pbad"

Then he stressed the government: "They are enemies of the workers, they only see the worker in a situation of slavery, they believe that they do not have the right to live with the dignity that Perón has given us and that we defend with all our strength"

Facing the future government, he said that "there should be a balance in some places and people who know the activity should participate not only at the technical level. For example, in transportation, this person who is (by Minister Guillermo Dietrich) knows nothing. The only experience that he has, it is to have built the bike.

He also mentioned reconciliation with Cristina Kirchner, candidate for the vice presidency of the Front of all, with whom he had lunch "two or three times": "As human beings, we know we have made mistakes, but if we compare its governments to those of the current government, there is a huge difference".

"More than ever, the words of Perón are valid in 1974 when he said:" This country, we repair it between all or no one does it. "And he was right, I commented with Cristina", he revealed.


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