MP Juan Guaidó refugee at the Embassy of Argentina in Caracas


Venezuelan opposition MP Richard Blanco, one of the ten parliamentarians accused of supporting a military rebellion against President Nicolás Maduro, is a refugee at the home of the Embbady of Argentina in Caracas to avoid being arrested.

The decision of the Member of Parliament Bravo Pueblo Alliance came a day after the agents of intelligence services (Sebin) arrested the vice president of the National Assembly, Edgar Zambrano.

Zambrano was arrested because the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) – under the command of Nicolás Maduro – had ordered to prosecute ten parliamentarians for having implicated them in "Operation Libertad", which had led to the revolt of 39, a group of soldiers by the opposition Juan Guaidó on April 30.

Venezuelan law grants defendants immunity from jurisdiction because of their membership in the National Assembly, the institution headed by Guaidó. But Maduro created the so-called Constituent Assembly to escape this legislature, composed mainly of personalities loyal to the Socialist Party.

The regime of Nicolás Maduro has withdrawn the immunity to seven politicians of the opposition

On Tuesday, he unanimously voted in favor of the recommendation of Venezuela's highest court, made up mostly of Maduro loyalists, to deprive politicians of the necessary immunity to prosecution.

"I came here to sleep because my life was in danger," Blanco said in a statement to the Venezuelan press after the badembly withdrew its parliamentary privileges, he said. AFP. The Member spent the night at Diplomatic Headquarters and was received by Eduardo Porretti, the chargé d'affaires in charge of the embbady of Argentina in the Venezuelan capital.

Although the opposition MP has ruled out the asylum application in our country, he is the second parliamentarian to take refuge in a foreign embbady after accusations of crimes such as "treason against the fatherland" and " civil rebellion ". Wednesday, the MP Mariela Magallanes he took refuge at the Italian ambbadador in Caracas, according to this country.

Juan Guaidó: "There were people missing from the rebellion", but Maduro is "defeated"

In his defense, Nicolás Maduro said his opponents had attempted to carry out a coup and were investigating politicians on charges of treason, rebellion and criminal intent. For his part, Guaidó, whom the United States and 50 other nations recognize as the legitimate leader of the Venezuelan state, claims that he and his allies are trying to restore the rule of law in a country suffering from hyperinflation, hunger and corruption.



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