MP offers reward to those who kill the murderer of a woman | Chronic


A deputy from the Legislative Assembly of the state of Espirito Santo, in southeastern Brazil, has raised controversy and outrage this week by offering a financial reward to anyone who kills the suspect of the murder of A woman.

The offer was made by Lucinio Castelo de Assumçao, captain of the military police who, last year, was elected a member of the Regional Assembly of the Holy Spirit on behalf of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), which brought to power the party of 39; ;far right Jair Bolsonaro.

In a statement made last Tuesday in the Assembly Hall, the legislator cited the case of a young woman murdered by the Holy Spirit and offered 10,000 reais (about $ 2,500) to which he kill the alleged murderer, whom the authorities have not yet identified. .

"I pay with money from my pocket that kills this tramp.But it's not worth saying where he is.They must deliver him dead," said Captain Assumçao, who also posted a video of the statement on his social networks.

The commission of human rights of the bar of Espirito Santo condemned the statements and the offer of the deputy, reported the news agency EFE.

According to this commission, the mere fact of mentioning a reward for those who kill another person would be contrary to the mission of a legislator to uphold the laws and suggests the imposition of "Talion Law", encourages citizens to "to do justice by their own hands " and promotes "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth".

However, the deputy, known as captain Assumçao, reiterated his offer on his social networks on Thursday, in messages in which he had even suggested offering him a higher amount of money as a reward, although he said he was not in a situation.

"I offered 10,000 reais to the head of the bandit who killed this young woman and the press asked me in horror if that was the case. I said I only got 10,000, but if I had more, I would have more. "wrote.


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