MPs passed the Breeze Act: they will pension the children of the victims of feminicide


It is intended for persons under 21 or with a disability, being retroactive to the commission of the crime (even if the crime had been committed before the sanction of the norm). However, the compensation does not have a compensatory effect since it extinguishes when the "collateral victims", that is, the children of the fatal victims of femicides, reach the age of 21 years.

Ley Brisa

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Deputies approved unanimously

The perception of the repair is also extinguished with the dismissal or acquittal of the parent sued, in which case " the authority of the claim can not claim restitution of the amounts received ". Children up to the age of 18 receive reparations through the people under their care, while 18 to 21 years old they are paid directly.

Meanwhile, the reparation is consistent with the Universal Surrender by the Child, with the Family Allowance Scheme "and with other social benefits they receive, D & # 39; on the other hand, the initiative guarantees the children of victims of femicides a "complete health coverage".

] The project is named "Brisa Law" in reference to the case of Brisa Barrionuevo, a five-year-old girl whose mother was beaten to death on December 20, 2015 and her body thrown into the river in a bag by her husband, who is detained Brisa lives in Moreno with her maternal grandfather, aunt and twin brothers, Elías and Tobías.

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