MPs: Together for Change presented a plan to expel lawmakers who change parties after being elected


The radical deputy of Together for Change, Álvaro de Lamadrid, presented a draft declaration to the lower house to exclude for “moral incapacity” lawmakers leaving the party for which they were elected to form another bloc, because “The benches belong to the affiliate party“.

Lamadrid’s initiative comes amid the scandal with Mendoza MP José Luis Ramón, whose Ensemble pour le Change credentials accuse him of approaching the ruling party and pledging his vote for reform of the prosecution service.

In this sense, Lamadrid seeks with his project “to put an end to the impunity of those who they betray the Argentinians “and” sanction the exclusion due to the moral incapacity of these dismissed deputies. “In turn, he considers that” the legislative body has the power to sanction such inappropriate behavior, which they border on crime“. For Lamadrid, the bank does not belong to the “Elected Turncoat“, But” of the party of affiliation “, since the elected citizens said representative by the principles of the political platform.

“The debate on the bill to reform the prosecution shows the interior of the events within the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation. Citizens find no explanation after seeing the spectacle that a group of deputies shamelessly shows and exhibits, which were elected and campaigned within a political party and that when they are consecrated deputies, they immediately leave the party and form a separate bloc, often against the postulates to which they adhere ”.

On Tuesday, Kirchnerism imposed its majority in the justice and constitutional affairs committees to send the corresponding opinion and deal with the reform of the prosecution. The Frente de Todos bloc must still collect half a dozen votes to reach a quorum and sanction the rule, prompted by Kirchnerism to expel the current acting lawyer, Eduardo Casal, from his post.

According to the project, “it is the parties that have the power to nominate candidates and as long as individual applications are not accepted parties are the exclusive access channels to elective positions and to whom the law gives exclusively the power to “fill” the places at stake “, for this reason “The parties would retain the property of those occupied by their postulates.”


Conocé The Trust Project
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