MSP warns of severe cases of influenza and urges Uruguayans to be vaccinated


"Until now, it had been a very benevolent winter, but last week began to appear severe cases of influenza, said Raquel Rosa, director general of health of the Ministry of Public Health ( MSP), Monday in Subrayado The leader has asked the public to apply the injectable to avoid contracting the disease, arguing that low temperatures in the coming days could complicate the health of Uruguayans.

Teresa Picón, director of vaccination of the MSP, declared El Observador in early July that the vaccination campaign would end at the end of the month, but Rosa extended her closure until August 9, It allows the population a greater margin of days to access the injectable, which is applied free of charge in public and private health centers.

The authorities hope to be able to provide the 600 000 doses that the Ministry bought before the date indicated; the first days of July still had 80 thousand injectables.

Authorities warn that winter is a dangerous time for the spread of the virus and that if people are unaware of the risk, they could generate health complications, especially among vulnerable people. Particularly in at-risk groups: over 65, under 5, health care staff, pregnant women, and people with any type of chronic illness.


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