Mud: Could you / should you bend the kings before the flop on the final bull's eye of the main draw?


  Ben Saxton Ben Saxton

  Kings Against Kings Against Aces Main Event Final Table Bubble "title =" Kings Against Kings Against Aces Main Event Final Table Bubble "clbad =" article__photo "/ >

<p> "Looks like you can not get away from kings, but you <i> can </i>," <b> Maria Ho </b> said. </p>
<p>  "You <i> can not </i>", <b> Norman Chad </b> replied brazenly. </p>
<p>  This was the stone bubble of the final table of the WSOP Main Event, and ESPN commentators were incredulous. But closed cards do not lie. </p>
<p>  With the blinds at 300K / 600K / 100K, <b> Nicolas Manion </b> raised under the gun to 1,500,000 with pocket ace. <b> Antoine Labat </b> who had 51,250,000 and pocket kings, called in intermediate position. <b> Yueqi Zhu </b> who <i> also </i> had two kings, he made carpet for 24,700,000 of piracy. </p>
<p>  Once the action back on Manion, who had 43,000,000, he announced everything himself and Labat asked for an account. Labat shook his head and murmured to himself. Could he really bend the kings pocket preflop on the bubble of the final table of the Main Event? </p>
<p>  "It's a sick place", <b> Lon McEachern </b> says. </p>
<p>  Labat tanked for about two minutes and … well, see for yourself: </p>
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The final table bubble you need to see to believe. A three-way all-in brings the field 2018 @WSOP Main Event …

– Central Poker (@PokerCentral)

Labat weighs

After an accident  {J-Diamonds}   {7-Clubs}   {4-Clubs}   {3-Spades}   {J-Clubs} Manion exploded to 112,775,000, surpbading just the long-time leader 109 175 000 Michael Dyer . Zhu was eliminated in 10th place for $ 850,025. Labat was found with 8,050,000 chips and a lot of questions.

He was, of course, delighted to make the final table, even if it would be the short stack. At the same time, he divined his decision to call with kings.

"If I bend, it'll look so crazy," says Labat, "but I had that feeling, he ."

The poker community answers

Did Labat make a good or bad call? Many people have sounded.

While debates have spread Poker Twitter, Two Plus Two poster Nerd E Tron has begun a New Thread: A Terrible Call to Kings in the WSOP FT Bubble Main Event … and here's why (SPOILERS)

Heroic Manion Times

Are you looking for someone who has folded the preflop kings? ? Look no further than Nicolas Manion himself. Only one day before the epic hand in question, Manion folded preflop kings when Alex Lynskey launched a five-all-in.

"I only showed hazelnut hands today, and he pushed for 16 million," explained Manion. "For me, it's just a hand and a hand only, so I'm not going to put my tournament life on kings when I'm 99% sure that he has some ace."

And then, in a fascinating reversal, it was Manion who lived the dream on the final table bubble:

With six players Remaining at the end of Day 8, Manion is in second place. He has 72,250,000 and a chance to ride his epic three-way aces hand at a salary of $ 8.8 million.

As for Labat, he was eliminated in 9th place with – you guessed it – a pair of kings.

  Antoine Labat

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