Mujica, about the riots in Venezuela: "Do not stand in front of the tanks"


The leader of the Broad Front and former President of Uruguay,

José "Pepe" Mujica

He mentioned the
violent clashes they had yesterday in Venezuela after the military rebellion called by the acting president,

Juan Guaidó

"What do you think of tanks crushing people, Mujica?" Asked a reporter at the exmandatario. "It's not necessary to stand in front of the tanks," Mujica replied.

Yesterday, in the midst of the uprising, the soldiers who make up Chavismo's ranks took to the streets with vehicles and
they began to crush the demonstrators gathered in the streets of Caracas.

On images viralised in social networks, published by Caracol News, we saw how vans tank style, or "tanktas", jumped on the event without slowing down.

"Nothing else?", The journalist insisted, surprised. "It's scandalous," added the former president. When the reporter asked him if he thought it was Maduro who had given the order, Mujica avoided answering. "If you go out into the street, you'll … the one driving the tanks is …", he says, before shutting himself up.

Maduro justified the violent repression by saying that it would act to repress a "new coup attempt", while Defense Minister, General Vladimir Padrino Lopez, said that the armed forces remained loyal to the regime. Meanwhile, a hundred people were injured in Venezuela.


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