Mujica proposes new elections for Venezuela and warns against the risk of war


José Mujica warned on Monday that it was necessary to find a quick solution to the political crisis that was raging in Venezuela because it could lead to a war. The former president of Uruguay has proposed the creation of an "executive council" overseen by the United Nations in order to organize democratic elections in that country of Caribbean.

"Who, with common sense, can today guarantee free elections for all trends in Venezuela? (…) This magic could only be done with a sort of executive office where all the tendencies were, but strictly monitored and guaranteed by the United Nations, "said Mujica in an interview with the Uruguayan radio station M24.

The former president warned in any case "that there are strong drums of war in the Caribbean" and he recalled that "in wars, in general, those who have no responsibility die ". The Uruguayan politician, a reference for much of the Latin American left, also pointed out that "with economic sanctions, people are punished and fanatical governments, as was the case with Spain. Franco ".

Acting on the recognition by the United States and its allies of Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's president in place of Nicolás Maduro, Mujica blamed his president for being "childish". "The self-proclaimed president in Venezuela, either he is very young, or he enjoys the security offered by the United States Army," he said.

"The truth, the raw truth, hard, naked, is that the most conservative of the United States can not accept that China will end up managing the fate of Venezuelan oil," he said.


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