Mujica supports the European position and calls for elections in Venezuela


The former Uruguayan president and great reference of the Latin American left, Jose Mujica, has called for new elections in Venezuela, thus surprisingly connecting the opposite front to President Nicolás Maduro.

Mujica, a former ally of Chavism, believes that the only solution to the crisis in Venezuela is a call for "total elections" with UN Security Council oversight. "Even if the situation seems crazy, the overall election proposal made by Europe seems crazy, but it would leave a way out, but a UN control should be added," stressed the ############################################################################## 39, former president and referent of the regional left. Mujica thus approved the proposal of six European nations, categorically and furiously rejected by Nicolás Maduro. Mujica adds to this proposal the formation of an "executive council" under UN oversight to hold elections in Venezuela. Mujica has thus broken the official position of his party, the ruling government, the Frente Amplio, which is neutral and in fact supports the legitimacy of Maduro.

"Who, with common sense, can today guarantee free elections for all tendencies in Venezuela?" This magic could only be done with a kind of executive council where all the tendencies were, but watched from and guaranteed by the United Nations, "said Mujica. in an interview with Uruguayan radio M24.

Mujica badured that he supported the decision of the Uruguayan Government to propose a new process of

negotiations between the parties and that "to avoid war, the only tool is politics". Mujica warned in all cases that "strong drums of war play in the Caribbean".

Acting on recognition by the United States and many other American and European nations of Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's president in place of Nicolás Maduro, Mujica blamed his president for being "childish" ". "The self-proclaimed president of Venezuela, either he is very young, or he enjoys the security that gives us the US military." The truth, the raw truth, hard and bare, is that the most conservative of the United States can not accept that China ends up managing the fate of Venezuelan oil, "he said, but Mujica broke the news. the action of the government of Tabaré Vázquez, who has distanced himself from the Lima group and refused to recognize Guaidó does not recognize the legitimacy of Maduro_, Mujica went well beyond what the Uruguayan Foreign Ministry has communicated on this complex issue.

Context of 2016

In May 2016, Mujica, who was already a former president, is strongly separated from the Maduro regime. He then claimed that "I have a lot of respect for Maduro but that does not mean that I tell him that he's crazy, crazy like a goat". He also defended the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, whom Maduro had described as "traitor". "He is neither a traitor nor a CIA official," he told the defense of his former foreign minister. Almagro is a lawyer, a slave to the law, I do not agree with Almagro on some points, but I do not agree with Maduro either. "In Venezuela, they are all crazy, they say everything and they will not repair anything, they are all well done," said Mujica in 2016.

In response to Mujica, Maduro said that he was "crazy like a goat," but that he was "in love with Venezuela." "And to whom I spoke of a traitor, the traitor was sentenced forever," he added, referring to the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro.


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