Multiple sclerosis: all its forms are treated


Today & # 39; hui is the second leading cause of neurological disability in young adults, being located behind traumatic secondary lesions of the brain and spinal cord caused by road accidents, it affects approximately 2.5 million young adults worldwide.

Although it is more prevalent in other parts of the world, as in North America and Europe, where it is 250 per 100,000 inhabitants, a study conducted in 2016 in our country estimates about 15 thousand Argentines who suffer from it.

"Like most autoimmune diseases, it is a condition that occurs more frequently in women, establishing a ratio of three women for each affected man, and usually beginning at the second or the third decade of life.The cause of the disease is not yet clear, this confirms the importance of an individual genetic predisposition that adds to the exposure to a certain environmental factor not yet identified ", explained the doctor Fernando Cáceres, neurologist specialist in multiple sclerosis and director general of INEBA.

Among his symptoms can be listed double vision, decreased vision, lack of strength, impaired sensitivity, lack of balance and sphincter alterations, among others; although in the beginning one generally gives relapses and remissions, observing several transient symptoms alternating with periods of symptomatic calm.

The clinical form of relapses and remissions is the most common, but there are also progressive forms such as primary progressive (most aggressive version) and progressive progressive (with relapses and remissions spaced in time).

Environmental factors and lifestyle related to multiple sclerosis

"Although there is a genetic predisposition to the development of this disease, the presence of this disease itself is not sufficient, each time we identify more environmental factors – infectious and non-infectious – and styles of disease. life as co-responsible for the onset of MS as well as its subsequent activity and progression, "said the doctor. Maria Laura Saladino, neurologist at the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic of INEBA.

Although vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increase in the prevalence of the disease, it has been proven that the smoker, both active and pbadive, is at greater risk than the general population for developing multiple sclerosis. In addition, other risk factors related to a darker prognosis are obesity, stress, excessive salt intake and excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

"On the other hand, research has been devoted to the relationship between the gut microbiota – the millions of bacteria that live with us in our gut – and the development and progression of multiple sclerosis. 39, after these results, it would seem that there is a link between the intestine and the brain, because the presence of certain intestinal bacteria is badociated with the disease.This is demonstrated in studies of animals and animals. sick people and would open a new alternative for their control in the future, "said the specialists.

Progress of pharmacological treatments

For many years, since Jean-Martin Charcoten had described the disease in 1868, no treatment was considered effective. It was only in 1993125 years later and with the progress of medicine, a drug appeared that decreased the frequency of relapses and, hence, the accumulation of disability in the patient.

Since then, the search and approval of new drugs around the world – most of them present in our environment – have experienced a real explosion, for the treatment of MS, relapses and remissions.

"Currently, the therapeutic spectrum has been expanded since drugs for progressive forms of the disease have been approved.The first drug – a monoclonal antibody called Ocrelizumab – is used for progressive primary forms of the disease, that is, to say for the most aggressive cases, which up to now were not subject to any pharmacological treatment "commented Cáceres.

Another novelty is related to the approval of a drug for secondary progressive MS, that is, people who have had a relapse for the first time and who, after several years of illness, acquire a progression pattern without any relapse or much more distant in time.

Also for forms "in relapses and references" (the most common form of this disease) also appeared new drugs "These are drugs that aim to" restore the patient's immune system. "It would be as if you were resetting the immune system as if you were restarting a computer to attempt a remission of the disease for long periods of time. of these treatments is that they do not require a chronic maintenance dose like other available drugs, "said the specialist.

In conclusion, we can say today that all clinical forms are treated.

* As part of the International Multiple Sclerosis Day, Thursday, May 30 at 18:00, an open discussion with the community on issues related to the disease will take place at INEBA (Guardia Vieja 4435, Almagro, CABA). This year's motto "My invisible EM".


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