Multitudinous concert in search of humanitarian aid for Venezuela


According to the organizers' calculations, the Colombian reggaeton player has participated in front of more than 300,000 people. Maluma, the Mexican Paulina Rubio, the Spanish Alejandro Sanz, Venezuelans Ricardo Montaner and Carlos Baute, the Puerto Rican Luis Fonsi and Argentina Diego Torres, among other artists.

All the interpreters, to a greater or lesser extent, called for solidarity with the Venezuelans, launched darts against Nicolás Maduro's government and many dared to presume political changes in that country.

However, the most controversial intervention was that of the Spanish Miguel Bosé, who has not missed the opportunity to shout Nicolás Maduro "Get out now!" and promise that if you do not let humanitarian aid through, you will be judged by "crimes against humanity".

With a desperate voice, Bosé is also engaged against the Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who asked him to move his "damn" "butt" and "badert" his "authority" to Maduro.

On the other side, the Mexican group was located mana, who by his main voice Fher, recalled that the account of this Friday was for "a humanitarian cause, not political".

"We would like to have understanding and peace in Venezuela," warned the interpreter, adding that "we are not animators but we have come to give conscience" and we called Caracas "to let in". humanitarian aid".

The closing of the show was in charge of Alejandro Sanz, Juanes and Nacho, which brought the last drops of energy to the participants who, according to the organization of the event, exceeded 300,000 people.

At the end of the show, the opponent appeared Juan Guaidó, recognized by half a hundred governments as interim president of Venezuela, despite a court order related to Chavez that prevented him from leaving his country.

At the sound of Conceived, the iconic song of John LenonS & P Branson "freedom" for Venezuela, after denouncing the release of the air chains that transmitted the innumerable concert in this country.

The concert took place on the international bridge of Tienditasblocked by the Venezuelan army to prevent the entry of the help offered by the United States and its allies,

On the Venezuelan side of the bridge, the government of Nicolás Maduro He also called three days of concerts, with the name of Touch Venzuela. The grid is composed of more than 150 local artists such as Omar Enrique, Las Chicas del Can, Banny Kosta, Cristóbal Jiménez and Maira Castellanos, among others.

The president denounces the fact that behind the aid, a plan is concealed at the head of the United States to invade the oil nation militarily.

To integrate

Our indigenous peoples have concentrated on the border with Colombia in the state of Zulia for the dignity of Venezuela and to support the Bolivarian Revolution. A mobilized people who say: Trump, get your hands out of Venezuela! A hug brothers and sisters.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) February 22, 2019


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