Murder 8, the synthetic drug he makes is …


In recent years, according to the US government’s latest State of Drugs report, opioid deaths in the United States have increased dramatically. Recent research links this increase to the illegal marketing of fentanilo “Murder 8” since China: companies in the Asian country – say the researchers – They manufacture the raw material and then export it to Mexico without control, where the drug cartels process it for trafficking to the United States.

According to figures collected in the United States, in 2016 the number of deaths linked to this type of narcotic was 19,413 while in 2017 it rose to 28,466 cases. Another revealing data that the American report highlights is that of the tests carried out in forensic laboratories linked to fentanyl, since in 2004 the number was 389 cases and in 2017 it rose to 56,530 cases.

US authorities classify fentanyl as a Strong synthetic opioid similar to morphine, although it has an effect up to 100 times more potent, addictive and devastating. Some experts warn, according to a study published by Infobae Mexico, Importing is easy for Mexican drug cartels because it is also a drug that can be imported and legally prescribed as it is used to treat patients with severe pain.

According to the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, like heroin, morphine, and other opioids, fentanyl works by binding to receptors in different areas of the brain that control pain, emotions, and give users a feeling of well-being and euphoria. However, as the World Health Organization (WHO) warns, opioids can cause breathing difficulties and even lead to death.

In its prescription form, fentanyl is known by the names Actiq®, Duragesic® and Sublimaze® 4,5, while the common names of the opioid that is illegally marketed as pills, injectables or even patches are Apache, China Girl, China White, Dance Fever, Friend, Goodfellas, Jackpot, Murder 8, y Tango & Cash.

According to data from the United States government, they indicate that one kilo of “Murder 8” in the Asian country, it has a cost of $ 9,000 but when processed in Mexico in pill form, it can give cartels revenues up to $ 1.3 million. In addition to importing fentanyl from China and recently from India, Mexican cartels are buying machines for processing the drug in these countries, which they usually sell in tablet form. One kilogram is enough to produce 20 million tablets.

Machines to process fentanyl represent a very small investment for the cartels: “For less than $ 500, anyone can buy a small dam to turn the drug and turn it into pills. For twice the investment – about $ 1,000 – it is possible to buy two small machines for the production of the pills and enough fentanyl to start a business that will kill countless victims, ”the Mexican investigation said.

“The wide availability of machines on the Internet allows ‘novice criminals’ to produce millions of doses which, once on the market, can have lethal consequences for suppliers,” said a senior source from Europol, an organization that observes with concern what is happening in Mexico and the United States, as Europe fears that this problem may develop on the old continent.

The source, who has asked to keep his identity confidential, said a chain of events is what allows this illegal practice to continue. On the one hand, the complicity of certain authorities which for many years have allowed the entry of illegal goods through customs throughout the country. On the other hand, there are international organizations that closely monitor these illegal procedures which indicate that the lack of preparation of customs staff This is another weak point in the official Mexican policy against drug trafficking.

Other analysts believe that part of the responsibility for the drug’s arrival in the United States lies primarily chinese government who, although aware of the situation, does not take strong action.

In May 2019, under international pressure, the Beijing government implemented sanctions against the illegal production and sale of fentanyl and its analogues.

However, a survey of public sources last year identified 64 Chinese companies who are involved in the production and / or trade in the substance and in the sale of machinery and who are said to be involved in the illicit trade. Its main clients are the Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) cartels in Mexico.


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