Murder in Haiti: forensic report reveals that President Jovenel Moïse received twelve gunshot wounds | The president was riddled with large caliber weapons


The forensic report on Jovenel Moïse’s body revealed that the President of Haiti received twelve gunshot wounds in the attack by a heavily armed gang on Wednesday. The justice of the peace in charge of the report, Carl Henry Destin, told the newspaper The Nouvelliste that the corpse of Moses had twelve holes drilled with nine-millimeter weapons of large caliber. Haitian police killed at least four people who would have been part of the command that riddled the president with bullets at his home.

He was found lying on his back, blue pants, white shirt stained with blood, open mouth, left eye pierced. We saw a bullet hole in the forehead, one in each nipple, three in the hip, one in the abdomen, ”Destin said. filming It was his wife Martine, who is hospitalized in Miami in stable but critical conditions.

The couple’s daughter was in the same residence as her parents at the time of the attack, but she managed to hide in her brother’s bedroom, who is also unharmed. While the service personnel were tied up by members of the armed command, which according to the Haitian authorities would have shouted “Operation DEA” (the United States Drug Enforcement Agency) at the time of the trespassing on the property.

“Numerous 5.56 and 7.62 mm cartridge cases were also found between the front door and the interior of the residence”added Judge Destin, who assured that Moses’ office and bedroom had been “looted” by the attackers, who broke into the home of the heavily armed president on Wednesday morning.

We have men with thick weapons who have landed on a territory that is not theirs, they are not Haitians even if it is true that there are Haitians with them (…), it is foreigners who speak English and Spanish who entered the house of an elected president, he had done nothing to deserve this chance “, declared the Minister of Communication, Pradel Henriquez.

The search for Moses’ killers accelerated Thursday in Port-au-Prince, the capital of a country on the brink of chaos. Shops, banks and gas stations have closed their doors in a city in tension.

Request for international assistance

The UN envoy to Haiti, Helen La Lime, assured that the Caribbean country has asked for international support to investigate the murder of Moïse and also in matters of security. . “It is important that these requests are taken seriously. We (the United Nations political mission in Haiti) are certainly prepared with the experts we have to assist in this investigation, ”La Lime said via videoconference. “Haiti must specify exactly what it is looking for and, in the meantime, we must continue to use the technical security assistance available to us on the ground,” La Lime said at the emergency Council meeting. security.

The United Nations ended its peacekeeping missions in Haiti in 2019 after fifteen years of uninterrupted presence, although it maintains a political mission there that continues to support the country’s institutions. With thousands of peacekeepers, many of them from Latin America, the UN has sought to stabilize the country, but the political situation has remained uncontrollable and poverty widespread.

Offers from EE.UU.

From the White House, they said they wanted to help with the investigation into the assassination in Haiti but that they have not yet received a request for help from the Caribbean country. “Our message to the Haitian people is that we are with them and that we want to bring them help,” said the White House spokesperson Jen Psaki, who avoided explicitly endorsing Joseph, whose position is currently being challenged by politician Ariel Henry.

However, the State Department spokesperson Ned Price asserted that Washington considers Joseph to be the prime minister of Haiti. “He (Claude Joseph) was the incumbent who held this position, he held the position of Prime Minister before the assassination of President Moïse and we will continue to work with Claude Joseph as such”, declared Price during a conference Press. Too He urged Joseph to call presidential and legislative elections on the scheduled date of September 26.

Since Wednesday, Joseph has led two government speeches to the press and also met with representatives of the international community, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “The head of government is committed to dialogue with the leaders of the opposition and other actors to appease the socio-political climate and facilitate the holding of inclusive and credible elections according to the calendar established by the Provisional Electoral Council” Joseph wrote in a statement.

Henry was appointed Prime Minister Monday in the last decree signed by the Haitian president before his tragic death.


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