Musk clashes with employees for his despotism


Last week, Tesla's general manager, Elon Musk, had to take the lead in the Model 3 badembly line in Fremont, California, to reach his goal of building 5,000 model 3 units in a week . 19659002] Although according to his employees, the methods used were not the bad ones, Musk brought in workers from other departments to continue producing model 3 electric sedans, affecting other models. , adding to these mandatory weekend changes. I walk all the obstacles in the last week of June to reach his goal.
Investors, on the other hand, doubted Monday, when shares fell by 2.3%, that they could continue this pace constantly,

Before reaching the stage of production on Sunday morning, Musk increased pressure on the Model 3 line shouting at his engineers when the process slowed down or stopped due to problems with the robots.

Tesla has built a new line in just two weeks, in a large tent installed outside the main factory, an unprecedented decision in an industry that often takes years to plan its chains. d & # 39; badembly. As he said, this area manufactured 20% of Model 3 bademblies last week.

"They were removing people from our line during the day to cover their needs (for model 3), so that the line keeps moving." As attention is drawn to model 3, line S is back about 800 cars, "he added."

"They gave priority to Model 3 ahead of the S, to ensure that they achieved their goal of 5,000," said the operator. "The painting department can not handle the volume."

The interruptions of the Model S and X chains could threaten Tesla's goal of building 100,000 of these vehicles by 2018. Tesla has badembled 49,489 in the first half

Tesla has confirmed that It produced 1,913 S and X models during the last week of the quarter, as well as Model 3. It claims to have manufactured a total of 28,578 models 3 in the second quarter and 40,989 since the start of production. . July.

Musk has other problems outside the promised number of electric cars, being the claim of his employees for the intensity of work imposed a very important. Two workers said that after the introduction of mandatory weekend shifts, Tesla rescinded a policy that promised workers a warning margin of at least a week before having to work a weekend.

The supervisor verbally tells you, "If you do not come, we will report you," commented one of the workers.

"They told us to get ready to work until 12 o'clock tomorrow," said the Model S employee. This will last 12 hours and I have the impression It's going to be six days a week. "

To reach this figure, Tesla is ready to" spend money, "commented an employee, highlighting the new badembly line of batteries shipped from Europe aboard &" Cargo planes in May

On Sunday morning, about five hours after the self-imposed second-quarter deadline, the number 5000 was illuminated on a screen with c Countdown to the sight of the operators of the line Model badembly 3.

The car that marked the terminal carried a signal "5000" on the windshield.

Tesla said that part of the production of the model 3's & # 39; 39 will stop for the holidays of July 4, although work resumes after the holidays.The company plans to bademble 6,000 models 3 per week by August

However, the worker to who was asked to wait for longer shifts warned that excessive pressure on the workers in the badembly line could be counterproductive. He will end up with a lot of people, because they're going to start hurting left and right "because of the speed of the badembly line, the worker commented." People have a limit on the speed at which they can move. "

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