Muslim Brotherhood accused of terrorist ties dismissed | Chronic


The story had cinematographic limits and had been launched by an anonymous report to the delegation of the Israelite Associations of Argentina (DAIA). For this accusation, the brothers Axel Ezequiel Abraham Salomon, 25 years old and Kevin Gamal Abraham Solomon, 23 years were arrested last November, accused of belonging to the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah.

C & # 39; was the federal judge, Sebastián Ramos who ordered the search at the family home in Floresta where weapons were discovered which, according to the father of the two detainees, was part of an inheritance. It has also been determined that the two brothers have made several flights in recent years to the Middle East, including Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

While dismissing the real danger of the G20 pre-election, the youths were jailed for 22 days. Meanwhile, his parents ran in the media to say that their children were innocent and had nothing to do with the fundamentalist movement in question.

However, they had to spend four months to get rid of the nickname "terrorists". This Monday, four months later, Ramos fired the two people involved. That is to say that it ended the legal proceedings for lack of evidence.

In his resolution, the magistrate reviewed everything that had been done during this period and concluded that "The evidence gathered in the case and the evidence provided after this decision does not reinforce the initial suspicion that prompted its summons to make an investigation statement".

I also read: "We are Muslims, not terrorists"


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