"My God, I beg you to run out of ammo," the shocking story of the survivors of the New Zealand massacre


"We prayed and hell was unleashed." Exposed, desperate and not seeking any attention for minutes, Ramzan Ali could only wait. In these infernal minutes, witness the mbadacre of the Al Noor Mosque in Hagley Park, attacked by the badbadin Brenton Tarrant, Ali I was lying under the bench from the main room where the faithful were terrified. His legs protruded on one side.

Raising his eyes, Ali saw his injured cousin on one leg and another dead man. Blood flowed by his side and the blows swept him everywhere. When the attacker entered the area, dozens of people began a prayer: silence covered everything in a "peaceful, silent and silent" way, another witness said. "When the sermons begin, there is a lot of silence, you can hear if a pin falls on the ground," he added. At this moment, the mbadacre has been unleashed.

"We heard the gunshots and shouts of panicked people," recalls Nour Tavis, also present at the scene. "I thought, how can I get out of here," he continued. At that time, Tavis saw a person open a window and escape. "It was the only way out. I followed him and I also managed to put myself in safety. Tavis ran, jumped a five-foot fence and knocked on the door of a nearby house, opened it and let it in.

Al Noor Mosque, scene of a shooting perpetrated this Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand (EFE).
Al Noor Mosque, scene of a shooting perpetrated this Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand (EFE).

When the murderer left, Tavis came back and saw people lying on the ground, both inside and outside the square: many were dead and others were wounded. "There were people bleeding, dying. It was terrible"he said ANSA.

Mahmood Nazeer also managed to escape the mosque. When he heard gunshots, he realized that he had a few moments left to survive: he then went out through a secondary door and he's hidden under one of the cars in the parking lot.

Like Nazeer, many immediately understood what was happening and managed to get on the parking lot safely. But everything was very different for Ramzan Ali, 62, from Fiji: The man was stuck inside the mosque. The attacker came in and started firing. "I did not see him directly", because he had neither the time nor the space to escape, he only had the opportunity to go back. lie under a bench. "I was there and I thought: If I get up, it'll kill me"He waited." The blood of another person splashed me. I did not know how long I would be alive, "Ali said.

Doctors transfer an injured person to the hospital (PA).
Doctors transfer an injured person to the hospital (PA).

Removing 300 people from this place was not easy because the attacker had entered through the main gate and there were only two doors left on either side of the mosque. Meanwhile, Tarrant fired countless times, reloaded, fired, then left the room, fired again, reloaded and returned. "Sooner or later, the shooting must end, I thought, and I prayed:" My God, please, to finish the blows& # 39; ", detailed Ali.

A person sitting next to him told him not to move and at that moment, the murderer saw him. "He killed him by shooting him straight into the chest," Ali said.

"My cousin, who was sitting next to me, was shot in the leg." The aggressor then fired repeatedly on the cluttered bodies, so that no one could escape. But in the end, Ali survived, unscathed: "I was the last man to come out alive. I can say that I was a miracle. I was lucky, God helped me. "


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