“My stomach hurts”: they operated on her stomach and they released something incredible | the Chronicle


Many people suffer from unexplained abdominal pain, but there is usually a reasonable cause. You’re nervous, you ate something that didn’t sit well, you have heartburn, and lots of other options. However, a man in Lithuania fell to the hospital with the classic “I have a stomach ache”, but it turns out that in this case the origin of the pain turned out to be impressive.

It turns out that the doctors of the University Hospital by Klaipeda who examined the patient They spotted something strange in the x-ray images, so they decided it was best to have the operation. What did you find? The surprised faces of these professionals must have been monumental, since they found more than a kilo of screws, knives, nuts, wood screws and other bodies of questionable origin.

The operation lasted more than 3 hours and one of the doctors called it a case

According to arūnas Dailidėna, the abdominal surgeon and the surgery who performed the operation, find that the body is strange in the gastrointestinal tract of patients is not strange, but stated that this case is unique due to the amount they found. Items found they ranged from 2 millimeters to 10 centimeters.

Another curious fact is that the patient never told the doctors that he had swallowed this type of object, which, according to the professionals who analyzed it, started doing this in the past month when he quit drinking alcohol.

“Because so many foreign bodies cannot be removed endoscopically, we urgently removed them surgically. During the three-hour operation, even the smallest foreign bodies were removed from the patient’s stomach. “, commented on one of the doctors who treated the man.

After surgery, the patient remained stable and was monitored and treated on site. Klaipeda University Hospital, the largest surgical clinic in western Lithuania, where thousands of operations are performed every year. We had never seen anything like it “, said the doctor Algirdas Slepavicius, head of the hospital.

This health center is one of the most important in
Western Lithuaniathe.

Although this is not the case, there is a disorder called “Spades”, which is characterized by the regular ingestion of objects that are not considered food. According to the specialized site MDS, he explains that “In general, what people with pica eat doesn’t hurt them, but it sometimes causes complications, such as blockages in the digestive tract or lead poisoning.”

In addition, they added that “Doctors usually diagnose pica when a person over the age of 2 has eaten things that are not food for 1 month or more.”


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