Myanmar: Easter eggs with anti-g …


Myanmar protests against coup – arrived two months ago – they were reconverted this Sunday with an original formula: an “Easter egg strike”. Meanwhile, ten of the rebel armed groups announced amid an agreed truce with the military that they were considering resuming arms.

The campaign that coordinates civil disobedience protests and actions, for its part, called on Myanmar citizens to paint eggs and write messages to share the images via social networks.

The designs include captions and, in many cases, drawing of a hand raising three fingers, symbol of resistance to oppression.

“Easter eggs symbolize hope, renewal and new life. May our hope for a federal democracy be perpetuated, that our country can be renewed with a pure democratic system, ”wrote one of the demonstrators.

In eggs, you can also read messages such as “Save Myanmar”, “We want democracy” O “Get out of the MAH path” -in reference to the head of the military junta Min Aung Hlain-, R2P -which alludes to a United Nations commitment called the “responsibility to protect” – or “CRPH”, the Representative Committee of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, which tries to delegitimize the military junta.

So far, the Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners (AAAP) has reported that at least 557 people, including women and children, were killed by security forces after the coup of February 1 which overthrew the civilian government of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who remains in secret but “in good health”.

However, the number of victims could be much higher: around 2,700 people were arrested, and many of them remain incarcerated and held incommunicado, without access to their families or lawyers.

Internet access is still cut for a large majority of the population since the military ordered the suspension of mobile and wireless data connections.

In addition, arrest warrants have been issued for 40 famous people, including singers, models and social media influencers, accused of disseminating information likely to provoke a riot in the armed forces.

In the midst of these civil demonstrations, The actions of irregular armed groups are also increasing, which has already unleashed fears of a possible “civil war”as recently acknowledged by UN envoy to Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener.


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