Myanmar military junta threatened protesters: “Confrontation will cost lives”


Image of the funeral of the young woman who died during a demonstration against the military junta coup in Burma.  EFE / EPA / MAUNG LONLAN
Image of the funeral of the young woman who died during a demonstration against the military junta coup in Burma. EFE / EPA / MAUNG LONLAN

Myanmar’s military junta has threatened protesters who have taken to the streets in recent weeks to protest the February 1 coup, saying “the road to confrontation” would result in loss of life., as the country prepares for another day of strike on Monday.

In a public announcement that aired on state television last night and posted to his YouTube channel, the military junta accused the demonstrators “of increasing their incitement to the revolt and the anarchy of the crowd” last Saturday, when two people were killed by police gunfire during a protest in Mandalay, the country’s second largest city.

“Protesters are now urging people, especially teenagers and emotional youth, on a path of confrontation in which they will suffer the loss of life,” the statement said.

Tom Andrews, Special Rapporteur for The UN, concerned by this “threatening” message, warned the military junta on Twitter that, unlike what happened during the bloody riots of 1988, the actions of the security forces are being recorded., they will therefore have to assume their responsibility.

The military junta issued the warning at the start of a new day of strike during which the internet signal was cut at 1 a.m. and will not be restored until 12 p.m. in Rangoon and 9 a.m. in the rest of the country. , depending on what the Internet. the suppliers have informed Efe.

A boy plays next to a military vehicle in Rangoon.  SANTOSH KRL / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO
A boy plays next to a military vehicle in Rangoon. SANTOSH KRL / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO

Despite the threat, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of major cities on Monday after a tragic weekend in which two demonstrators were killed by police violence.

Since morning, the main arteries of Rangoon, Naipyidó – the capital -, Mandalay and other towns have been occupied by demonstrators, demanding the restoration of democracy and the release of political prisoners in what could become the biggest day. of protest since the coup d’état. by the army on February 1.

In Yangon, the most populous city, roads close to most embassies, especially those in the United States and South KoreaThey had been blocked by the police, as they were particularly crowded during the demonstrations.

Protesters came out en masse across the country despite police crackdown that claimed the lives of police last Saturday with the shootings of two protesters in Mandalay and the warning issued last night by the military junta that “the way of confrontation “will result in loss of life.

Protesters are now urging people, especially teens and emotional youth, to embark on a path of confrontation in which they will suffer the loss of their lives.Reads the communique of the officers in uniform issued by Burmese state television.

Demonstrations against the Burmese military junta in Rangoon.  SANTOSH MMR / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO
Demonstrations against the Burmese military junta in Rangoon. SANTOSH MMR / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO

Tom Andrews, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Burma, expressed concern over this “threatening” message and warned the military junta on Twitter that, unlike in the bloody riots from 1988, the actions of the security forces are recorded. they will have to assume their responsibilities.

Cookies related to Efe as Police cracked down on Saturday’s protest with live ammunition and rubber bullets, tear gas canisters, as well as metal projectiles made from screws and launched with slingshots..

With the two deaths on Saturday, there are already three deaths due to police repression, after confirming on Friday the death of Mya Thwe Thwe Khine, a 20-year-old girl who died from a police bullet during a demonstration, and whose funeral is held today in the capital, Naipyidó.

The army justified the seizure of power with an alleged electoral fraud in the elections last November in which the National League for Democracyia, the party led by Aung Sang Suu Kyi, swept away, as it did in 2015.

With information from EFE


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