Mystery: 100 car keys stopped working at the same time in a supermarket parking lot


You go to the supermarket, you leave the car in the parking lot and, when you come back to pick it up after your shopping, The key does not work. This is what happened to a hundred people leaving a store in Royston, a town in the county of Hertfordshire, England.

The incident happened a few days ago and has yet to be clarified. The reasons for the general failure are unknown, they assured the local police (North Herts Police). It’s a mystery, for now, unsolved. Research is now participating Ofcom, radio and television regulator.

“We have received a series of calls from citizens who could not access their vehicles in the Tesco parking lot (R .: that’s the name of the supermarket in question), ”North Herts police admitted via their Facebook account.

“For reasons still unknown, there seems to be a problem in this area with key chains which do not work properly “, explained the local forces, while assuring:” An investigation is carried out by Ofcom and with the support of the director of Tesco.

“If you have a problem accessing your vehicle, don’t panic. We ask you, as a first step, to go to Tesco customer service and ask to speak to the service manager to inform him that you are having difficulty getting into your vehicle, as they know the process to be followed ”, they added police.

The problem faced by many drivers was that when they tried to open their vehicle with the blade part of the key, the alarm started ringing because he didn’t recognize her. Other more modern vehicles, those that open exclusively with a remote control, still could not be unlocked. And, of course, from this problem, the units that did not have an electric opening, maybe the older ones, got rid of it.

Thus, there are still a number of cars in the parking lot which could not be unlocked. And, as the days go by, the mystery grows. As usual, they circulated on social networks all kinds of theories: from a phenomenon linked to the lunar cycle to an extraterrestrial invasion. Others, more terrestrial, associate this inconvenience with a frustrated attempt at theft: criminals often intercept the signal of the electronic keys of cars and thus enter without inconvenience. If so, obviously the plan didn’t go as planned.

For now, there are still dozens of people who have had their cars parked in the supermarket parking lot for several days and no one can unlock them.


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