Mystery for a huge crater that keeps growing – News


In Santa María Zacatepec, about 119 kilometers from Mexico City, the Sánchez family was surprised on Saturday afternoon by a violent accident, which they initially thought was love at first sight, according to the news agency. AFP.

However, soon after, the Sánchez family discovered that a few meters from their house, in the middle of the field, the ground had subsided.

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The chasm is filled with water, surrounded by green fields and cordoned off by the authorities.

On Sunday, the hole was about 30 meters in diameter, Monday it was widened to 60 and this Tuesday the authorities calculated that it had reached 80 meters. The shipwreck is about to reach the home of the Sánchez family, who have lived in the area since 2014.

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“It was our turn, we stayed in the street. We have nothing. We are not from here, we have no parents, we are alone,” native Heriberto Sánchez told reporters. from Veracruz (south-east).

Scientists and authorities are trying to determine the origin of the gigantic hole, between hypotheses of geological fault or water variations in the soil.

“We have seen landslides through drone overflights, it is a phenomenon of nature, the landslides will surely continue,” Puebla Secretary of the Interior Ana Lucía told reporters on Tuesday. Gil.

As the sinkhole widens, large chunks of dirt from the edge are continually dislodged, repelling onlookers approaching the security cordon established at the site.

In a video posted to social media, two men walked over to observe the hole shortly before it grew larger, forcing them to safety.

“It will grow until nature defines it, when the water stops exerting pressure,” said the governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa.

“The important thing now is the safety of people,” added the official, indicating that the authorities will compensate those affected.


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