Mystery in Italy: They investigate the poisoning of a presumed pattern in a case against Berlusconi


The Italian prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into the death of a Moroccan model who had testified in connection with one of the investigations related to the "bunga bunga" parties of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Imane Fadil died on March 1 at the age of 34 in a Milan hospital where he was being treated since January 29 for "symptoms of poisoning," said prosecutor Francesco Greco, according to the report. 39 Italian news agency ANSA.

In 2012, Fadil told reporters that he feared for his safety after informing prosecutors that they were investigating possible witness tampering in the case where they had offered him to do so. money in exchange for his silence on what happened during the games.

FADIL. On a photo of 2011. (AP / Luca Bruno / File)

In 2015, the highest Italian court acquitted Berlusconi of the charge of having paid to have bad with a minor.

Greco lamented that the Humanitas Hospital in Rozzano did not report complaints or symptoms of Imane, consistent with poisoning, during its treatment, according to ANSA.

He added that prosecutors had been informed of the death after the model 's lawyer announced it.

In a statement reported by ANSA, Humanitas said it submitted the results of the toxicology tests to the prosecutor's office after completion on 6 March. The news agency quoted anonymous officials as saying that the tests indicated a "mixture of radioactive substances". The results of the autopsy are still pending.

E-mails and calls to Humanitas and Greco did not receive a response on Saturday.


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