Mystery: Why do some herds and herds form UFO-like circles? | the Chronicle


In recent weeks, a strange and striking phenomenon has put several countries and the scientific community on alert. The first recorded case was in the UK. This is the change of animal behavior never seen before.

Various groups of animals began to occur circles with an almost perfect geographical formation. A citizen of East Sussex, was riding a bicycle, when he saw that a herd of sheep suddenly started to form the circle and decided to take several photographs.

Christopher hogg, 47, commented that the circle he was able to observe is similar to that in images of the mysterious geometric figures that appear in cultures.

“It was shaped like a saucer, like a alien spaceshipHogg commented with admiration. While there are many theories of human followers on social media, sheep aren’t the only animals to behave strangely and form a figure often attributed to extraterrestrial events.

Some herds of animals seem to represent the image of UFOs on Earth.

At the end of March, a similar event occurred in New sweater, at United States, but this time it wasn’t sheep, earthworms. After a rainy day, the worms came to the surface as we already know, but what is striking in this case is that another strange phenomenon was generated which they called “Earthworm”, which scientists could not explain.

Oral traditions have always linked extraterrestrial action in the camps.

A woman witnessed when hundreds of earthworms they formed a huge spiral in the street, and I photograph the phenomenon. The woman mentioned that the worms weren’t moving in a circle, they were in that position but they weren’t alive except for some individual worms that squirmed in place. Soon after its publication, all kinds of theories emerged, such as biblical plagues or what is he “Worm moon”.


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