Myth reversed: sugar does not improve the mood


Sometimes, If we feel tired or need to stay alert, we follow popular knowledge: we eat something sweet. In this way, we badume that we will not fall into the arms of Morfeo and avoid fatigue. As a result, a group of researchers from the universities of Warwick, Lancaster (UK) and Humboldt (Germany) decided to determine if there was a scientific basis for this belief.

According to the results published in the scientific journal Neuroscience and biobehavioral exams, Sugar has no impact on our mood. In addition, scientists say that has the opposite effect: fatigue increases and alertness decreases after one hour of consumption.

To determine this, they collected information from 31 previous studies, involving nearly 1300 adults. With these data, they observed the impact of the product on anger, alertness, depression and fatigue, among others. They also took into account the amount and type of sugar ingested.

After the badysis, they concluded that high sugar is actually a myth without a scientific basis and that nothing affects the amount or activity that takes place after taking it. "We hope our findings will ban that belief and have an impact on public policies aimed at reducing consumption," said Elizabeth Maylor, one of the article's authors, to foreign media outlets.

In this sense, his colleague Konstantinos Mantantzis added: "Our study clearly indicates that this popular knowledge is not supported by science.Most likely, sugar makes you feel worse.The increase in obesity, diabetes and of Metabolic Syndrome in recent years underscores the need for evidence-based dietary strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle at all times. "

The article indicates that consume sugary drinks or snacks does not give us a quick energy recharge to be more alert, "concluded Sandra Sünram-Lea, the third researcher.


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