Nacha Guevara, controversy about babies in Faces' cover: "Should all be blue and blue eyes?"


The actress did not hesitate to give her opinion on Mirko, Matilda and Dionysus, who posed with their famous dads on the cover.

Nacha Guevara, critic with the children of Marley, Luciana Salazar and Flavio Mendoza

The latest magazine cover faces has for protagonists divas par excellence Susana Giménez and Mirtha Legrand, accompanied by the most famous "babies" of the year with their famous parents: Mirko near Marley, Matilda with Luciana Salazar and Dionysus in the company of Flavio Mendoza.

Seeing the cover, Nacha Guevara He did not hesitate to issue an opinion that will undoubtedly provoke controversy: "There is something that catches my eye. Should everyone be blond and blue-eyed? Those who are chosen. Because they chose … I find it strange. It's good to choose what you like, but it's a kid, not a thing you're going to buy", Nacha Assured in Incorrect, referring to the subrogated stomach method that Luciana, Marley and Flavio have chosen to be parents.

"Everyone must be blond and blue-eyed, those who choose, because they choose … I find it strange, it's ok to choose what you like, but that's fine." a child, not a thing you will buy "

"I want one day someone who does one of these treatments has a black baby.That day we have a party.I worry a bit for the future, they are all so white, "added Guevara, who replaces Moria Casán in the conduct of the cycle.

Finally, speaking of the Caucasian traits of Marley and Luciana Salazar, which coincide with those of Mirko and Matilda, Nacha said: "In the case of Flavio, no." Then, Marcelo Polino He closed the subject by adding a bit of humor to the debate: "Well, now he is blond!"

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