Nacho, the small guardian of the Malvinas war memorial, has been awarded the Rosario Distinguished Citizen Certificate


Ignacio Elías, the 9-year-old boy in charge of keeping the names of the brilliant Rosario ex-combatants, received this Sunday's certificate distinguished citizen After his teacher told him what had happened in 1982, Nacho went every Sunday morning to the Memorial of the Dead in Malvina to clean the granite plates of the heroes of the war.

The president of the Center of the old soldiers, Claudino Chamorro, and the radical councilor Pablo Javkin handed the certificate to Ignacio this morning at the cenotaph of Malvinas, in front of the monument to the flags. "I come here every Sunday except when it's raining or it's 50 degrees"recalled the boy, after delivery, photos and applause from the handful of former soldiers soldiers.

Chamorro briefly expressed to Nacho his sincere thanks: "The Falklands must never be forgotten and you share, with what you do, the same values ​​as those for which we fight. you are proud of your commitment and you are a small person who is advancing the cause of the Falklands for the future"

A Malvinas veteran gave Ignacio a Newell jersey signed by players from the team. (Source: Telam)
A Malvinas veteran gave Ignacio a Newell jersey signed by players from the team. (Source: Telam)

At his side, Councilor Javkin tells Ignacio that it was Malvinas veterans who proposed to the Council to stand out. "We did it because, when we were children like you, they did not tell us much about the Falklands and it was a forgotten question, and all the councilors from all parties voted for it ", did he declare. At the end of the ceremony, a veteran of the Falklands gave Ignacio a Newell jersey signed by the players of the team.

The veteran-fighter Fernando Vitale, one of the promoters of the distinction, recalled that his sister-in-law, Nacho's mother-in-law's mother-in-law, had one day shown her the photo of a woman. Garden boy celebrating his birthday with a Malvinas cake. . "I followed the record, we learned that he had come to clean the plates and a Sunday, I was on duty with the comrades.I see a boy who came with a fuenton, two wipes and an aerosol cleaner, "he added.

    Ignacio Elías has been awarded the distinguished citizen's certificate of Rosario to clean every Sunday the granite plates of the Falklands war heroes. (Source: Telam)
Ignacio Elías has been awarded the distinguished citizen's certificate of Rosario to clean every Sunday the granite plates of the Falklands war heroes. (Source: Telam)

"Nacho has always been interested in the Falklands issue because he went to the garden and the lady started explaining to him why there was a war and at home we did not explain it to him," said his mother. , Mariana Nimitan, a teacher from the Southwest Rosario area, at the agency Telam.

The history of cleaning the Falklands Cenotaph began in 2016 when a group of fans from the University of Chile vandalized with graffiti the plates of the heroes. "He's always been interested in the Falklands, but it's not that we've instilled him, is a boy who is interested in social issuesIf someone needs him, he helps, just as he is interested in the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo. He came to read the names of the plates and, when they were vandalized, he told us, "I want to clean up," remembers his mother.

Nacho is responsible for keeping the names of ex-combatants in Rosario brilliant. (Source: Telam)
Nacho is responsible for keeping the names of ex-combatants in Rosario brilliant. (Source: Telam)


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