Nahir and Fernando, a story of sex, jealousy and networks that ended the lives of two young people | Cuyo Newspaper


Their lives were those of any teenager 2.0. Students, wanting to leave, friends everywhere and a constant publication of photos and videos on networks. He was about to turn 21 and had a project: leaving his parents' house to live in Paraná and start a career in business administration. She, with 19 years, studied law. All that happened in history in the middle of a dawn, to give rise to tragedy.

His family was not expecting it, but the face of Nahir Galarza copied the country's covers and portals. His youth, his angelic face, his deep and penetrating gaze and his sinister gesture attract attention. She confessed to killing her boyfriend, Fernando Pastorizzo with two shots in a field in Gualeguaychú. The crime generated shock, speculation and curiosity. And it happened quickly to transcend as "the Nahir Galarza affair". This Tuesday, Justice will define its future.

They met in 2014, at the age of 15 years. His parents were having a big party in a room so big that his friends were not enough. Then, he had an idea, asking his acquaintances to bring more people. Among these additional guests, there was Fernando, an extrovert and funny guy and the center of his group of friends that his acquaintances called Perry.

The two met their eyes, danced and amused themselves. Although he was dating a girl, the connection was strong. Soon, they found themselves in some clubs and the bond grew. She acknowledged that it was with Fernando that she had made love for the first time and from that point on, the encounters between the two took place again and again.

The bond became so strong that in February 2016, the young man went to Brazil with Nahir, his parents and his younger brother to spend the holidays. They shared beach days and party nights.

But all was not rosy. Jealousy and claims turned their history into a toxic relationship. "You will eat a lot," he wrote in June 2015. "Nahir, I really like you," he said the following month. "Nahir I need you with me, sorry," he added six minutes later. "Listen to me please," he asked in December of the same year.

When the researchers badyzed the girl's phone, there were 104 messages between her and Fernando. This was the contact with the most communicated last year. Even so, she badured after the crime that "we were not boyfriends, we have never been, I do not know her parents and I do not go out with her friends either." [19459011Weonlysaweachotheratdawntomakelove"

While Fernando was the only boy Nahir brought home, he had informal relationships in parallel. Sol Martínez, who was a friend of her, mentioned a young man named Joaquín, another named Rafael and even talked about a romance with a faculty professor.

According to Nahir, at that time, Fernando was already showing himself in another way, he did not worry about her and even beat her. However, the young man's friends say that it was she who harbaded her partner.

Fernando's environment advised him to move away from the young woman. Her friends told her that she was hurting him, that they saw him sad and worried that he would try to move her away from her surroundings. So, he decided to take another path: stop mentioning it. He even silently put his phone when he was with them, to prevent them from knowing that he was calling her constantly.

Three months of the crime, the last picture was taken together that they made public. They were in his house.

Four days before the terrible denouement, the tension has increased. They were in agreement at the Bikini Bar, two blocks from the Galarza house, they were each with their friends. Before leaving, Nahir had shown Sol bruises that Fernando would have caused him.

At the meeting, Nahir and Fernando started arguing and her friend interceded and hit the boy in the eye. "Never hit a woman again," he said. At that moment, he started crying. "He told me that he had never hit a woman and that he would not do it because he had experienced violence when he was a child," he said. later the young woman


However, the key moment was Christmas Eve of 2017. At the exit of a bowling alley, Nahir and Fernando argued, exchanged insults and ended the blows. It's risky on Twitter: "This crazy, sick of the head, will never leave me alone." LPM.

Five days later, while they were driving a motorcycle on General Paz Street at 300 meters, they fought again, but this time the result was fatal . That day (according to the story of the young woman during the trial), Nahir went to Fernando's house looking for a laptop charger that had been left. They went back home and had bad. Then they started a fight and, according to her, he grabbed the pistol of his father (who is a cop) over the refrigerator and pointed at him and told him that he was going to kill someone if she screamed.

They both took the bike and left without a goal. He was going fast. She pulled the gun and he braked. She heard the first shot and they fell. Nahir got up and heard the second shot. "It was two seconds, I had empty mint," he said.

She herself stated that she had not helped her, that she had not cared for her, that she had not called the police nor warned anyone to help him. He went home, put the gun back on the refrigerator and locked himself in his room.

Around 5.30 am, Fernando was found by a taxi driver lying in the street next to his motorcycle, injured by two shots. A few minutes later, Nahir received the call from the young man's mother, who told him that the young man was dead. "My heart stopped," she said.

That morning, Nahir posted an Instagram story where he fired Fernando: "5 years together, fighting, coming and going but still with the same love." I love you forever, my angel. "

* DATA: newspaper reports of El Dia, La Nación, Infobae, BigBangNews, TN and testimonials made during of the trial

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