Nahir Galarza spent the whole week


Nahir's cell was lined up in the bars of the doors and windows with papers, nylons and adhesive tapes. The real intention would have been for Galarza not to see the new detainee, not only because he was a man but because he was a city policeman accused of bribery.

Failing to comply with the regulations of the "Comisaría del Menor y la Femme", since Thursday 12, Sergeant Major Alejandro Fernandez of the "Investigation Division" is arrested.

Fernández is accused of corruption for raising bribes and having previously warned the drug traffickers about the imminent raids that Justice would have against him .

In one of these raids the narcos murdered with a bullet in the head, the Pointer Froilán Pedroza, celebrated in the city to be the official accusation to keep Nahir Galarza in his transfers from the police station to the courts

Pedroza had denounced to his superiors the illicit maneuvers of the master Fernandez.

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